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SHE JUST CALLED. 3 weeks no contact i am scared

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i cant begin to tell you the emotions that just jumped up at me...the phone rang and i saw her number..i did not pick up...folks if you are not healed do not pik up...just listening to her voice on the message totally just wacked me out. i mean i feel like my heart has jumped out my chest..dont know if you have read the finally i am free post but that was my closure i told her i loved her for the last tiime with a no reply is necassary qoute...her voice was very stearn and not really wanting so at lezast that will make me strong ... ireally want to talk to her so bad..but for what...its not going to lead to anything just more heartbreak... i am so confused right now but i have to follow this path..i have read all the break up posts a million tiem and i am the first one to reply as to the no contact..but my heart and brain is not alline d right now....help me out brothers and sisters..i need you guys right now....i should not call her back..she dumped me..she wanted to go hang with ohter dudes .. i dont care what she sais .. this call means nothing on her part correct?

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no i sent the e-mail on friday but it was not meant for her to contact me..i just wanted closure for myself since she did not give me any...i shoulkd of never sent it..but i did..and i am happy i did..because it was very well writen and actually i wanted to come up on toip..which i feel i did..but i think the only reason she is calling is because of it...i will not contact her..she dumped me...so what if she does not like it..i gave her 150% even during the first week of the break up i felt sorry for her when she came to my houase with her bags packed..i took care of her and it felt good...thinking maybe she would see the light..i have to stop. going straight to the gym after work

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You should be VERY Proud of yourself, not picking up the phone. I KNOW That must have been Very hard to do!

Try and ground yourself. Think of the times she disrespected you and made you feel unappreciated and bad. Try and stay strong. Go to the Gym and try to talk with a friend later to vent out the way you feel.


Youu Are on your way. You did leave the msg and you did it to LET GO OF HER.


Stay strong, its the best thing and you CANNOT Change the way she will treat you. You can onlyChange ALLOWING her to hurt you!

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My man...


Your friends here are soooo right. I split with my fiance and had no contact for 3.5 months.


She randomly called after all that time to ask me some clearly made-up question and then began contacting me every day and calling me often as if we were in a relationship again.


Well, I fell for it... and now, 90 days later, I am worse than when I started!




If I want to be honest with myself and all of you, I was really hoping that she had "come around" and that everything would be cool... but it wasn't.


What I've learned about going back for more is this: Chances are you are going to go through DOUBLE breakups, back to back. Normally, in the past I have gotten at least a few years between breakups, but this double whammy thing is no fun... ouch!


So yeah... good lookin out bro. Try not to respond!


I have since renamed my ex in my cellphone... her name is now PAIN.



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Hang in there guy.


"Closure" is used quite often on this forum. It implies a door closing on the past or an endpoint to a time period. Getting over a loss is a long rough road that slowly, gradually smooths out. It won't happen in an instant. I wish it could.

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you know i felt real good last night..i was like i dont need you..if anything you need me.. i am a proven winner...successful ... driven and motivated..i offered you the world and you decided to throw it away. are you kidding me? you are a 22 nobody..being taken out to top shelp entertainment every weekend..i even allowed her to drive me sl 500. because i thought we were on the same page..vacations..I gave her as much as i could because i WANTED TO not becasue i need to...and you dont love me like a love you..why dont you go take a hike...go get screwed over a couple of dozen times and then get back to me so i then really laugh in your face.!!!

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Hey sukerbut, You know my story...being dumped by a girl after a 4 year relationship....she dumped me like a gallon of spoiled milk!! This was exactly 1 month and 4 days ago...on my birthday to be exact (what a friggin sweetheart). She's called and left messages for me....she called me 7 times last Thursday, leaving me a message saying that "I am and always will be the love of her life". So I gave in and called her back the next day...like a freaking idiot...I asked her to go to dinner and talk (maybe this is when she wanted me back)....Nope, she says she can't..then why leave me these messages. Everytime I take 1 step forward I found myself taking 2 steps back. So I said screw this...I went out Friday nite and had an unbelievable time!!! I met many new people and even hooked up with a WOMAN instead of my darling 22 year GIRL (same age sukerbut as your girl). To make a long story short...I'm going to dinner with this WOMAN Friday night. Today my ex decided to e-mail me. She kept asking who I'm hanging out with and why I'm staying out so late (I actually text messaged her Friday @ 2:30a.m.). I told her that's none of her business....it was my mistake to text her. I also told her that I always thought that she was a smart person but that I finally realized she was an idiot because I would NEVER DUMP "the love of my life". Don't get me wrong....I still love this girl...but you know what, it's their loss and that I know is true.......damn true!!! Don't cave in Bro...we've come too far...and we hurt too much....you don't want that again, I know I don't

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