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Shaving question for other girls


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Hi Gals, this is my first post, be gentle


The question is this: I'd love to de-hair my pubic area because I think it looks nice and so does my bf. However, every method I've tried so far (shaving, cream, waxing, even pulling out hairs one by one with tweezers!) has left me with irritated red spots, bumps, scabs, and a lot of ingrown hairs. It doesn't look nice, it just looks messy!! (not only just after i've de-haired, but days later as well... right up until the next time I do it) A friend said that your skin gets used to it after a while, so I've tried all methods for several months on end, without any improvement.


I'd really like to hear from anyone who has had the same problem and found a solution, or who has decided there is no solution and has decided to remain au naturel from now on. I've tried obvious things such as using a lot of shaving cream and allowing it to really soak in for a couple of minutes, and all kinds of pre- and post de-hairing creams...


Ideas, anyone? Thanks!

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women naturally have alot of hair down there, and it may not be realistic to expect a clean shave every time due to the amount of hair growing.


i understand the red bumps and ingrown hair, very irritating. if it's something you really want to do, i recommend trimming with scissors or an electric razor first. then for the up close smoothness, try shaving in the shower.


the grain of the hair is important to take note, as going against the grain for the first pass of the razor WILL cause irritation.


however. the closest shave occurs when you go against the grain. so.


PASS 1: Shave downward, slowly, be sure to clean your blade of hair often.

skin should still be a little rough after

PASS 2: Shave upward, very gently.


If your skin is already red and hurt, give it a break, let it heal and try again in a few months. good luck.!

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I was able to shave down there pretty easily. You never shave more than once a week for the first month or three. I also have done it after I take a nice long shower. Nothing else but the skin being still wet and softer from the shower. I went with the grain and then against it (never going accross the same spot more than once in that direction). That helped greatly with the irritation...oh and use moisturizer.

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I tried a lot of products to reduce razor burn and bumps, but the only one that REALLY made a big difference is called "Bump Stopper". It's for men, but it works for me. Apparently it has some sort of exfoliant to keep the hairs from growing in, something that makes the hair finer so it'll be less able to grown in, and an antibacterial to fight infections from hairs already starting to grow in and get infected.


The only thing is you have to use it pretty much every day to really help.


The website is link removed in case anyone wants more info, just though I'd mention that for me it works.

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I have the same problem... I have always trimmed.. but for the last 2 years I have been shaving once a week... sometimes only the sides and bottom, and other times the whole thing... I have NO PROBLEMS shaving the sides and bottom... its just that middle stuff that gives me problems... I could shave the sides every day... but more then once a week for the middle is awful.


I dont know... I hate how its so ugly after I shave.. and the next day if I rub or wash UPWARDS (against the grain) its friggin brutal!!!

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Theres this cream you can buy at your local drugstore for about 5 dollars it comes in a tube and it's called bikini zone its designed to remove that exact problem just rub it on the area daily. Also there is product that is sold at sephora that is like 50 dollars in comes in a jar and it is a bunch of little pads. My friend swear its the best thing in the world but I have always managed with the drugstore brand stuff. I'm not sure what its called.

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well im a bloke but I have same problem lol. Even though it only my bakini line. But I suggest using sesitive skin shaving foam for men, and mens sesitive razors. They are alot kinder on the skin that womens products. Also make sure your shaved area is very clean and cleasned afterward, but not with an astringent alcahol based product.


Hope my male advice was at all helpfull.

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Thanks for all the advice guys, including the man-advice Now what made a guy want to look at this topic I wonder?


There's a good few things you've mentioned that I haven't tried yet, I'll have to go hunting to see whether some of these products are available in Europe under the same names. Thanks a million everyone, and please keep the advice coming!!






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