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I would like to have your advice on the letter below. I am considering sending it to my ex-fiancée this coming December. She left me about 20 months ago but I know she is still hurt and probably thinking about me still.


Any female "dumpers" who would like to comment on this? How would you react if you would receive such letter from an ex-boyfriend ?



Dear V.


I'm swallowing a lot of pride in order to send this letter to you. For a while I was so angry that I didn't want to see your face, but my heart couldn't forget you. I thought about calling you just to tell you how much I still miss you, but I didn't think you'd want to hear from me.


I don't want to complain about the way you treated me or the way I treated you. We both have our faults and our regrets, and neither of us can heal and forgive overnight. But I'm willing to reconsider a final chance for what we once had, and I'm asking you to come back and give "us" another try.


Are you tired too, spending your days and nights sad and without love? Let's get together, one more time, and try to work this thing out. Whatever you decide, know that you're always in my heart.





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Just out of curiosity, what makes you think she is sad and pining away for you if she is the one that broke up with you to begin with?


I don't think I would want to receive a letter like that after 20 months have gone past. I would think being the "dumper" that I would have moved on and wouldn't wish to rehash the past, but...... that's just me. I'm afraid the letter would only make you appear desperate. Sorry.

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First - why do you know she is still hurting or thinking of you?


Second, if you do decide to send it, I would re-phrase

I don't want to complain about the way you treated me or the way I treated you.
because it looks like you are just hiding a whole lot of resentment that would come back to bite if you did get back together.
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Are you tired too, spending your days and nights sad and without love?


In addition to DN's suggestion, the above line sounds as it it could be misunderstood and taken the wrong way; might want to cut that. Or rewrite it to say that's how you feel. But make it less extreme (even if it's 100% true!).

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I hate to say this, but if one of the guys I broke up from the past with sent me a letter...I would feel annoyed. Again, I don't know your situation, but if she dumped you I doubt she would want to make it work....she might have even forgotten about u ....20 months is pretty much two years. You can't convince her to come back to you, she would have done it months ago if she wanted to try. Don't make yourself look like you're begging for her. You're worth more than that, there are more fish in the sea

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I would strongly suggest that you DO NOT send her that letter. Honestly, 20 months is a long time and she probably doesn't think about you or is missing you as much as you would think. Im sorry for being blunt, but im sure most of the people on this forum would agree with me on this.


Sending that letter would probably make her think that your clingy and not to be rude, but "nuts". If during the 20 months she wanted to contact you, she probably would have.

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