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this is the letter I am planning to send to ex, need opinion

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If you go over to pick up your pain meds. No. But if you are going over there with expectations that he's going to open the door and tell you he loves you, then yes, disaster looms.


Picking up your pills sounds like a heck of an excuse to see the ex. Tell him to leave them outside and you'll pick them up. That's better than seeing him.


But, you've got to make the decision. Just keep in mind all the great advice you've received here. And be ready for any impending distasters and that you hold yourself strong while you are there. DON"T bring up the relationship!!!

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You should always look nice - ESPECIALLY in front of your ex!!!


However, if you have enough money to let him use your cell phone, you certainly have enough money just to pick up a new prescription from the drug store....


It's very transparent that the pills are an excuse to see him...

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Well, I am back. Am I pissed about the whole thing of going down to see the ex, yes and no. I realize that yes I still do love him, but it isnt as intense as it was before. Him dumping me hurts and I would like to have him back (if I had to be honest, would be gratification of my ego - I did not like being dumped by a guy who was always dumped by other women - I am the first girl he has ever dumped). Now that hurt. I do want him back because he is one of the nicest guys I ever dated. He never went out of his way to hurt me. Always took care of me as best he could, was there for me always, courteous, etc. Perfect gentlemen. He put a lot of effort into the relationship. I know that because I had lost my feelings in Feb, and he tried hard to get them back for me, after Feb, he chased me hard, but I lost interest, until he dumped me. Then it felt like the world fell in around me. We shared little in common, he liked toys and video games and childlike things. I liked adult things like going out to eat, traveling, etc.


I did the whole thing wrong tonight. At first we talked about how we were doing in our lives, work, etc. I then told him that I brought my laptop down and we could play a computer game like we used to. He didnt want to. I asked him if he wanted to go out to eat, he didnt want to either. He seemed nervous around me in the beginning. I tried to work my charm on him and do things with him that he would like to do, but he didnt want to. I ended up trying to convince him to come back to me. That didnt work. I tried to convince him to give me a second chance. He doesnt want to because he doesnt see any hope in it. Did I cry about it, nope. I should have been strong and told him to his face, that I dont need him, etc. Should have acted like a b*tch to him and told him that I didnt care, then maybe he would come back. Dont understand him. He has been in my shoes many times being dumped by girls all the time. Now he had to go and be the dumper, he should know how it feels. I know he is one of the most compassionate guy I ever met.


I still cant believe I threw him away. If I had not changed my feelings for him in Feb., we could still have been together. I wish my feelings had not changed. I had never had that happen to me before with anybody. I loved him so much in the beginning. Then one day in Feb, I took a look at him and realized that everything he did drove me nuts and I couldnt stand him. Tonight, when I hung out with him, some of the stuff that he was doing, was irritating like of old. Even when my feelings changed, he tried to be there for me always, taking care of me, hoping to regain my love. It was only after I treated him like crap because I didnt know how to deal with my loss of feelings, that he dumped me.


He is going to a Halloween party this weekend with a bunch of Faire people. I should try to talk to the guy, since I do know the guy from Faire, who is having the party and get myself invited. I need to meet people and find a new bf, preferably someone HE knows, that way he can see how it feels to be shafted.


I dont understand how I could do this, lose my feelings for one guy. We shared little in common but he truly did love me at first and he always treated me as a woman should be. He lavished time, attention, and gifts to the best of his ability. I was just used to a certain way of life and he couldnt give me that because he wasnt used to it, and because he made so much less than I did. I also could not stand his childlike nature and the fact that he lived at home with parents that treated him like he was a little kid.


He still has the cell. I dont care anymore. I am most likely going to move to LA soon to get away from all this crap. I need to find a new bf to get away from all this.


He says he doesnt want to push me out of his life and he still wants me to be his friend. I am not sure if I believe that anymore. He was nice but put up a wall with me tonight. He hung out with me for about 3 hours. We rehashed the relationship. I ended up trying to plead with him for a second chance. Bad move.


I am going to help out with the guinea pig rescue this Sat, just to forget about this mess. I need to try to make new friends and find a new bf soon.

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