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Women rape….psychologically

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Women rape….psychologically



Alright so I fell in love with my best friends girlfriend…never did nothing with her when they were dating I never betrayed him I never even interfeared in any way with their relationship.


(she was crackling onto me and flirting with me behind his back the whole time) and I resisted because I wouldn't dog my mate. Anyway, I remember in highschool where everyone used to sit in this laneway and smoke cigarettes, these girls used to write stuff about each other on the walls of houses one was (*the girls name* pretends to get raped to get all the attention*she rubbed it off the wall very very quickly I didn't see the red flags.


Anyway this girl went to this party without her bf once (my old best mate) I dunno she said some dude raped her (obviously as a story for cheating on my friend)


anyway…the day she wanted to break up with him she came over and was cracking onto me really hard and I STILL didn't give in, a lil after they broke up she insisted at my house and insisted on staying in my bed (even though I offered her another mattress cuz I had tinnia, I was stoned and not that horney at the time, but we did it…anyway it was fine for a day or two… I told my friend (who had broken up with her) then she started accusing me off raping her (she had ANOTHER boyfriend she got and am now starting to think maybie she slept with me to get revenge on her bf? The whole thing seemed very planned…anyway after we had a HUGE fight on the street I told her to look me in the eyes and say I raped her and she did, I told her to take me to police n court and she said she wouldn't bother, It cut me like nothing less b4 when a girl u think is a friend look you in the eye and accuse you of a crime so horrible. There were about 5 dudes she had sex with whilst with a partner and she claims they ALL rapped her…is this girl have a severe problem admitting she has loyalty problems or just screwed in the head?…both probably I asked her out after and she said (we are just friends , friends is all we would ever be )


Anyway she came back to my door a little after she broke up with her NEXT bf…thinking everything would be just hunky dory, she started chattn up my friends too, then we didn't see each other for 1-2 years she moved far away then she came back…started flirting with AGAIN with me.


One day I flipped at her…I said "you call me a rappist then a soulmate then wink at me…have a good think whos the loser" and she started crying I didn't care she was like "I've forgiven all those mean boys) REALLY screwed in the head.


Anyway I finally (just recently reached breaking point) I told her she has been flirting with me for years with boyfriends and never following it through and I told her that the rape thing hurt too much cuz I loved her and it got in the way of our friendship , (this was an email) she was like ow I'm sorry sorry please take me back (she FINALLY appolisied for the rape thing….I said "u say u love me as a friend, you have a strange way of showing it…she couldn't really say much back…I said…how many OTHER nice guy friends wanna put their dick into you?…she knew what I was talking about…I go why do u care about losing me as a friend anyway??? Nice guys comes last remember? Like u said?…and shes like ow nice guys don't come last…I go why flirt if it doesn't mean ne thing…and shes like I'm attracted to u but wouln't be good dating each other (I thretend to end our friendship AGAIN…and she said give me a year or two to clean up my act and when I move outta home and she would date me (first she says friends is all we are gonna be, then she says she'll do it with me me but not date me, NOW after 5 frikkn years she'll date?…why am I not as enthusiastic ?? hahah she said she really wants to but is scared of my parents cuz my sister wanted to beat her up about the rape accusation thing….this has been driving me insane I can't get her outta my head..she said she wants to visit sometime…what am I to do…I dunno if it's love or obsession but if she DOES like me..she is twisted/insensitive and gets off on pushing peoples buttons to see how much they care…..


My sister said the only way is to cut her off, and never speak to her again, don't thretend to end our frienship..just disappear and never speak to her again… she even attmited being scared of being alone all the time, she has loyalty problems/ ….


I KNOW she is screwed up girl, but she is so attractive my stupid dick thinks…maybie we can just have a casual relationship…but I mean, this girl is like a bad drug for me…I can't live my life properly...shes always clouding my head…so much anger, heartbreak and tears inside… I told her exactly how shes using me she said I was her best friend can u believe that?..is this girl got some kinda personality disorder/ psychosis? What's the deal? Or is she just a ruthless slattern that has weakness admitting she can't keep her legs closed and blames it on everyone else….


I feel like I'm dying off this girl…I need serious help =( why did I fall for a girl this screwed up…and why did I think she would change? And how do I get over this love for her I'ts been 5 years we hardly ever chat but on the net….i'm hopless….she just seems evil sometimes but at the same time I'm terribly attracted to her..it's like this love/hate thing going on…I need serious guidence =( thank you

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Listen, I think you are acting pretty normal considering what you have been through. I think you should really be concerned that you still are so attracted to her even after she accused you of rape. That is messed up and you need to do some soul searching to find out why you still want her even after she hurt and humiliated you.


My best friend accused a few guys of raping her when we were young. I think this was all about denial for her. She didnt want people to think she was a s*ut and I think she loved the attention/ sympathy she got from people The whole thing is so very complicted and you should really talk to a professonal and work out all these emotions in your head. I think she knew exactly how to push your buttons and that is part of whats happening with you.

I am so sorry you got played with like this. It really seems unfair and I hope you can out this in your past eventually.



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Anyway I finally (just recently reached breaking point) I told her she has been flirting with me for years with boyfriends and never following it through and I told her that the rape thing hurt too much cuz I loved her and it got in the way of our friendship , (this was an email) she was like ow I'm sorry sorry please take me back (she FINALLY appolisied for the rape thing….I


She sounds extremely emotionally unstable. If I were you I would SAVE that e-mail in case she ever got mental enough to cotnact the police and lie for revenge.


I agree with your sister that you should cut off all contact with her.


Sadly, women who act like that only make it more difficult for true vicitms of rape and sexual assault to be taken seriously.




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Thanx you so much ppl


I guess love/attachment clouds your head and u pretend that person isn't as bad as they really are, or they will change...they won't change and if they do it's not worth waiting 4, i gotta live my own life and be happy. Just one of those stupid guys that gets led around by my dick too easy, maybie the hard way teaches you the best,


I have saved every email every piece of information/letter etc as evidence in the future. I seriously doubt she will take me to court, My stepdad is a solicitor and he has bigger guns then her, not only that if she takes me to police/court i will call on the other male victim (whom i know of from highschool to confess the same story of what this girl did) she knows if she ever tries i will destroy her)


What can i say i tried suicuide it takes "love the girl to death" to a whole new level as much as i shouldn't kick myself it was my own fault i was so weak let this happen.


its so severe it's like....... forget this girl or she will totally destroy my future,

she calls me "best friend, soulmate blah blah" she claimed she was sexually abbused as a child.....( who KNOWS whether to believe her or not now) doesn't give her a right to ruin mens lives



thanx so much for the feedback ppl, it means alot

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