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Day 6 of NC...


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SuperDave checking in....how is everything everyone?






Feeling lonely today, but doing quite well overall. With time the reactionary feelings from the breakup have subsided, and I've come to see that behaivor. I feel like today I just genuinley miss her company. After this much time, I imagine she misses me as well, and in similar fashion.


Ever felt like that Dave?


No duct tape needed over here. I'm sticking to my basic plan.

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I do know what you mean...I surely do


- SuperDave71


Stay strong. Your good heart and perseverence will deserve you the happiness you're looking for.


It's hard when all paths of thought prove that you do know what you really want, but there is no direct route there. I never realized what a virtue patience could be until recently.


Perseverance is our middle names.

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Hey Dave,


I wanted to get your thoughts on something. Throughout my No Contact I've been very methodical, I made plans to better my situation to take control, and I've stuck with it to positive results thus far.


Now although I feel that I'm prepared to communicate with her in a way that is healthy for both(ie: nonreactive), I realize that the ball is in her court as far as communication opening back up between us. Since I'm so acustomed to being pro-active to get results, simply waiting sounds on the verge of fatalistic to me.


I'm having trouble convincing myself to just wait her out. I've no doubts that she misses me. It's just that she never was any good at calling when things were good, so it's hard to know that she will call when she is ready.


Anyhow, I think I'm holding up pretty well for a weak momment. Any thoughts?

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Very intrested to hear what Dave has to say, my ex is the same way, she isn't the type that will call if I start talking to her to more. If she starts having feelings of wanting to get back with me instead of talking to me about them she pushes them away and tries to deal with them alone. It is so hard to wait on someone to call, cause your mind starts to wander what they are doing...or where they are.

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Very intrested to hear what Dave has to say, my ex is the same way, she isn't the type that will call if I start talking to her to more. If she starts having feelings of wanting to get back with me instead of talking to me about them she pushes them away and tries to deal with them alone. It is so hard to wait on someone to call, cause your mind starts to wander what they are doing...or where they are.


I hear ya! I'd say about 90-95% of the calling during the past 8yrs of our relationship was on my behalf. It was never a point of contention, and it only concerns me right now because I wouldn't mind a call from her!


I hope that your situation is going well Farewell.

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Hi Lovesick64


My ex has bpd and I wish he knew it and would seek help for it.


It would be better for you give him some hint on bpd.


I guess more than anything I would like to have an apology from him for treating me poorly. However I tell myself that I allowed him to treat me that way. One day maybe he will get a clue, but I am not holding my breath. Nor am I holding out for us to get back together.


It is at the best interest for both of you. What do you have to lose to tell him that he has bpd?

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