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Tonight I went to a highschool football game with a girl who -says- she likes me. Now, I like this girl, but I'm pretty sure she's just leading me on.


So, I was talking to her and I strait up asked.


She said no and whatnot, and by the end of the night it was somewhat clear she liked me.




During this time spent together, I messed up (in my opinion) I totally broke the ideal "rules" for creating attraction. Pretty much, I told her what I thought about her, told her I thought she was gorgeous. I mean, this, I think, is not good. It's never good to just come out and tell a girl how much you like her without providing any type of challange.


She had just broke up with her boyfriend and we were sort of talking about that. Then I sort of blurted out that a lot of my friends told me she was a whore and I shouldn't go out with her, but I didn't think it was true.


Then later I told her I was surprized that she liked me because I have a self esteem issue. This is the worst mistake I have -ever- made with any girl. She even said to me it was a turn off, hah.


At the end of the night I got a hug and it seemed all fine and dandy. She was heavily flirting with me regardless of my -incredibly- stupid attitude. We're not even going out and she was putting her hand on my leg, holding my hand, wrapping her arm around me. At this point I'm very confused. (And- this is also why I believe she's leading me on)


I don't know what the hell I was doing, this behaivor when with a girl is totally uncharacteristic of me, but that's irrelevant.


You think I screwed this one up big time? =/

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Then later I told her I was surprized that she liked me because I have a self esteem issue. This is the worst mistake I have -ever- made with any girl. She even said to me it was a turn off, hah.


Dear god, I'm wincing in pain /for/ you. We never want to know that a guy has no self esteem...it like, changes the whole way we see you

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You got lucky...lol.



I think saying this helped somewhat the rest was luck:

She had just broke up with her boyfriend and we were sort of talking about that. Then I sort of blurted out that a lot of my friends told me she was a *beep* and I shouldn't go out with her, but I didn't think it was true.


Good job...lol, next time avoid talking about ex-bf's and talking about your self-esteem issue.



Ah, good news. She texted me saying "You better call me later." I think this is good
No **** it's good .
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Hmmm the attraction "Rules" dunt work on every girl. She could possibly be attracted to you more so then before but you might wanna watch out and see if shes egging you on knowing that she could end up hurting you. Some girls are like that, they enjoy the feeliing of having a guy obessesed over them, they'll keep egging you on, sending you messages but everytime you ask them out they'll turn you down. Just becareful, dunt get way too attached. Good luck

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dude i'm gonna continuw with what antzca2000 said, and say this...

either, yes she is leading you on...


or you just lucked out and happened to find the one opprtunity that what foolproof


either way, don't be so open at first (that just leaves you open for pain and rejection) and remember to be careful not to go gaga over this girl completely, because you seem like a genuine guy so don't let her get to you and as antzca said, egg you on....

cuz rollercoaster attractions suck major

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Good thing about getting to know someone is everyone makes mistakes and most of us are understanding and forgiving. You'll be fine! Try to go slow and play it cool and don't get too attached to her too soon. Shoot for friendship first, to find out if she's worth you, because you sound real and seem like a good guy.

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