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Alright..so my boyfriend broke up with me 2 weeks ago, but we were still hanging out and still sort of acting like we were still together. We still hugged, kissed, fooled around, etc... Well he kept saying that he needed space and is confused about everything. He tells me it's hard for him to be away from me, but he needs his space. So since I keep getting hurt every time we do something together (because he still doesn't want to date me again) I finally told him that I couldn't do it anymore and that I was going to give him his space. No more alone time together...no more phone calls...no more me and him. Emotionally I can't take it anymore...I felt like I was being strung along. When I told him all of this, he felt horrible. He even looked like he was ready to cry because he felt so awful for making me feel like this. I know that he still cares for me and that he still loves me and he wasn't intentionally trying to hurt me. But since he's confused I thought that it would be best for him to have his time apart from me to really understand what he wants. I just think this is going to be extremely hard because every second of every day I think of him and want to call him or be near him. I just need some advice on what to do so that I don't call him and to know that I did do the right thing by giving him his space. Because I have no clue if I can actually go through with this.

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let me tell you. ive been there, done that. With my ex, after we broke up (i broke up with him), we still fooled around (except i wouldnt let him kiss me because thats more personal to me than the rest of the stuff). He was there to fool around because he wanted me back and stupid me, let him have it. I never planned to get back together with him, so when he realized that that was never going to happen, we had a huge fight and havent talked since. So if you guys are doing all that relationship stuff because it makes you feel like you two are still together, DON'T DO IT.


Also, my current boyfriend is going thru what you are going thru. I'm confused about how I feel about him (i think you read my post - thanks for ur advice ) and we're on a break now. He called me yesterday morning (which he wasnt supposed to do because we're on a break) telling me how hard it is to not be with me and whatnot. I think you need to try to get your mind off of it and go out and do other things with other friends and just distract yourself. It's hard for me to say, since I'm on the other side, but your ex needs to figure out what he wants and if that means that you can't talk to him or see him, then so be it. Because you can't figure out how you really feel until you distance yourself from the problem, take in the whole big picture, and reflect on how you feel and sort out how you feel. Thats what you need to do and what he needs to do. So let him have his time to think. It's good that you gave it to him.


And remember, if something is meant to be, it will come back to you. Good luck.

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