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Everything posted by sweets20

  1. My b/f and I have been arguing about how I need my space for over 6 months now. He wants to see me all the time and when I'm not going to see him, he needs to know when the next time I see him is going to be. He needs everything to be planned out all the time and I can't live that way. I'm too independent to need to be with someone every second of every day. And he's the exact opposite. I've told him how I feel a hundred times but nothing has changed and it got to the point where there had to be serious consequences. So we've been on a break for a couple of days now so I can sort out how I feel. We've been together for almost a year and a half and I'm not sure if I'm in love with him anymore. We have so much fun together (when we arent arguing about that stuff) but I'm afraid it might just be on a friend level because I'm not physically attracted to him anymore. I'm not sure if its because he smothers me so much and it'll pass or if its just how I really feel. Plus, he's already tried to contact me both days of this break saying how he needs to know what im thinking and how he cant do this. But I can't tell him anything because we're on a break so i can figure it all out! I love him I just don't know if im IN love with him. Meanwhile, I broke up with my ex a year and a half ago for the same smothering reason, but it was never nearly this bad. Now, and for a while now, I can't stop thinking about how he's doing and what he's been up to. But he wants nothing to do with me, being that I tried to talk to him online for the first time the other day and he never responded. And we ended pretty harshly and he told me then that he never wanted to talk to me again. I'm not sure if I'd want to get together with him again but I can't stop thinking about him. I don't know if I should break it off with my current b/f or not. Regardless of if I go and talk to my ex. Should I try to talk to my ex again? I feel like I can't sort my thoughts out without talking to him, because I don't have any closure from that relationship. I don't have his # or email address tho. only his screenname and he's always online. HELP PLEASE!
  2. let me tell you. ive been there, done that. With my ex, after we broke up (i broke up with him), we still fooled around (except i wouldnt let him kiss me because thats more personal to me than the rest of the stuff). He was there to fool around because he wanted me back and stupid me, let him have it. I never planned to get back together with him, so when he realized that that was never going to happen, we had a huge fight and havent talked since. So if you guys are doing all that relationship stuff because it makes you feel like you two are still together, DON'T DO IT. Also, my current boyfriend is going thru what you are going thru. I'm confused about how I feel about him (i think you read my post - thanks for ur advice ) and we're on a break now. He called me yesterday morning (which he wasnt supposed to do because we're on a break) telling me how hard it is to not be with me and whatnot. I think you need to try to get your mind off of it and go out and do other things with other friends and just distract yourself. It's hard for me to say, since I'm on the other side, but your ex needs to figure out what he wants and if that means that you can't talk to him or see him, then so be it. Because you can't figure out how you really feel until you distance yourself from the problem, take in the whole big picture, and reflect on how you feel and sort out how you feel. Thats what you need to do and what he needs to do. So let him have his time to think. It's good that you gave it to him. And remember, if something is meant to be, it will come back to you. Good luck.
  3. My b/f and I have been arguing about how I need my space for over 6 months now. He wants to see me all the time and when I'm not going to see him, he needs to know when the next time I see him is going to be. He needs everything to be planned out all the time and I can't live that way. I'm too independent to need to be with someone every second of every day. And he's the exact opposite. So we've been on a break for a couple of days now so I can sort out how I feel. We've been together for almost a year and a half and I'm not sure if I'm in love with him anymore. We have so much fun together (when we arent arguing about that stuff) but I'm afraid it might just be on a friend level because I'm not physically attracted to him anymore. I'm not sure if its because he smothers me so much and it'll pass or if its just how I really feel. Meanwhile, I broke up with my ex a year and a half ago for the same reason, but it was never nearly this bad. Now, and for a while now, I can't stop thinking about how he's doing and what he's been up to. But he wants nothing to do with me, being that I tried to talk to him online for the first time the other day and he never responded. I'm not sure if I'd want to get together with him again but I can't stop thinking about him. I don't know if I should break it off with my current b/f or not. Regardless of if I go and talk to my ex. Should I try to talk to my ex again? I feel like I can't sort my thoughts out without talking to him, because I don't have any closure from that relationship. HELP PLEASE!
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