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my relationship sucks but the sex is great

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the only thing thats any good in my relationship is the sex. everythings else sucks. the only time my bf pays attention to me is if he wants sex. I can always tell to because that the only time he is nice to me and once it's over i don't hear from him again until the next time he need sex.

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Umm....then why are you with him?




I am not even sure what you are asking in your post.


You can have great sex within a great relationship, that is not really reason to stay with someone who is not making you happy.


I think you should be adult enough to be able to make your own decisions and take responsibility for yourself and the relationships you choose to be in, or choose not to be in.

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Either you take the relationship for what it is or you kick this one to the curb.


As everyone stated if your not happy then why are you still with him?


Have you thought about talking about this with him? I would if I were you before I did anything else.

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Well Sasha... if the SEX is great and that is enough for you then stay with it. Keep doing what you are doing and you will get what you always got.


However if its more you want out of a relationship...then sit yourself down at that computer and start putting it down in writing. Make a list of what you think would make a great relationship. What is it that you want. What is it that you need. What is he not providing for you? And... remember, he is NOT the sole being to provide for your happiness. You have to find and provide that for yourself. Your ESPRIT... if you will. Look up Maslow's humanistic theory.


Maslow.. came up with a pyramid of human needs to feel happy, fufilled, and good with ourselves. If you sat down and were able to put something in each box of this pyramid, would you say that you had all your needs and wants etc.. fufilled? And what would they be?


Make yourself happy. Find that happiness and build your esteem on your own. IF BF is not doing anything to ADD to your esteem. If he's a taker and not a giver..then he's got to go. But if you feel he's giving enough... and you can get your esteem needs filled yourself.. then by all means keep the GREAT SEX. Entirely your choice. Be tough with yourself.. and be honest.


A relationship... a good relationship should be a compliment to one another.. YIN and Yang. Balance. And personally.. GREAT GREAT GREAT SEX... for me... is had from a foundation of a good solid relationship. If you start off with solid footing..then the physical relationship only keeps getting better and better. Start off with a bad blue-print.. and your house of cards will tumble.



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Sounds like you have a f*ck buddy not a relationship. Not saying that there is anything wrong with this but if you want a relationship dump this guy and find another. If you jsut want someone to mess around with then enjoy it. Doesn't sound like you do though and if he's already in the habit of treating you lilke a f*ck buddy then chances are he won't treat you like a girlfriend which really sucks if you like him alot. If he knew you wanted a relationship and he acts like this then he sucks and you should try and move on.

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