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Say a girl isnt into the whole boyfriend thing but really likes you. Do you think that you can control falling in love, and also are most girls inot the whole romatic thing. I ask because Ive been seeing a girl, and Im not sure shes wanting the same thign as me but I think that she actually really does like me

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Girls are not likely to sell out their sisters' secrets to you. Asking women for advice on how to get women is like asking the Russian army for the secret to defeating it. You will not get good advice.


All women (and all people) will grab hold of a person that they like enough. All that "not into boyfriends" stuff is cr@p. The right dude comes along? She's picking out pretty underwear for her wedding night.


With a girl like this, your best attitude is to have a good time, but not be into her emotionally in any way. If she feels for even 2 seconds that you are more into her, more committed, more future minded than she is, you are done.

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I believe that females (and people) will just use excuses when they arent that interested in a person. Its common that people will make statements that they "dont want a bf" and excuses that are similiar. More often than not it seems to be that this statement isnt true. I believe that if a girl isnt that interested in you then you can need to know exactly what the situation is and dont expect more. The problem with this situation is that most people dont have that kind of control. Personally if she doesnt want a bf or whatever else that you just keep doing what you are doing but you keep your options open.

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I agree with Day Walker. Generally, if a girl is not that into a guy but likes him/likes the attention from him, she'll say she doesn't want a bf. I have done this before to someone before. Of course, I regret doing that to him because it's not very nice...but I was young, and you live, you learn.

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Yeah, I guess if you believe in commitment phobia then you would probably disagree with what I said. I don't believe in commitment phobia...I think it's an excuse people use when they're not that into someone and they want to let them down easy. I think that a lot of "commitment phobic" people are happy to commit when they meet the right person for them. But that's just me, I'm not saying you're wrong about this particular girl or anything, just saying my opinion.


In fact, I HOPE I'm wrong about this girl cause I wouldn't want you to wind up getting hurt. I wish you the best of luck with her.

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I'm in the same place, she has been hurt in the past and is afraid of getting too close. In my case it isn't that she says she doesn't want a boyfriend, she openly says she wants one. But she finds reasons not to get one. It's not an excuse, its a way to cope with their fears. I agree that the girl will open up to the guy if she really likes him, but it could still be a long and difficult process of getting her to trust again.


I don't think you can control falling in love with someone. It's something that happens. What you can do is make it easier on her and treat her well. If she sees how nice and caring you are, and how you aren't like the other guys she's known, then gradually she will feel more comfortable around you and maybe be able to open up to the point where something more can happen.

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All women (and all people) will grab hold of a person that they like enough. All that "not into boyfriends" stuff is cr@p. The right dude comes along? She's picking out pretty underwear for her wedding night.



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Yes... its possible to fall in "LOVE" without the other person falling with you. And yes... women love ROMANCE. Hence, look at the romance novel industry... we suck it up like vultures. LOL.


So she likes being with you. Thats good. Let nature take its course...and just spend time together. Maybe you want to keep your "I Love You" words reserved for a while. And see where the road takes the both of you. Once the "I love you" is out there... hmmm the game changes.


Romance... do the little things... cards, a flower, notes, lol... the little stuff. And see where it gets you. little steps..baby steps.

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Girls are not likely to sell out their sisters' secrets to you. Asking women for advice on how to get women is like asking the Russian army for the secret to defeating it. You will not get good advice.


ohh I like this. Its in the womanly woman manual. But if you read further in the womanly woman manual.. .its our job to help other sisters along... and train the men up... so telling them how to romance us...and treat us well... is not a sell out. Its just helping a Sister along.

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Girls are not likely to sell out their sisters' secrets to you. Asking women for advice on how to get women is like asking the Russian army for the secret to defeating it. You will not get good advice.


All women (and all people) will grab hold of a person that they like enough. All that "not into boyfriends" stuff is cr@p. The right dude comes along? She's picking out pretty underwear for her wedding night.


With a girl like this, your best attitude is to have a good time, but not be into her emotionally in any way. If she feels for even 2 seconds that you are more into her, more committed, more future minded than she is, you are done.

Huh well there shouldn't be a need for hiding things in the first place like should be no need for war in the first place. But thats just idealology...

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