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Why Do YOu Love Yur B/GF

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He is easy to talk to, he's funny, we have a lot in common, he's intelligent, he's compassionate, he's mature, I could go on and on.


But, the fact that we have had some pretty serious problems and been able to work through them makes my love for him even stronger.

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I'm single at the moment but for myself there are a couple traits which I can't see a relationship going without.


The personality is what really attracts me to an individual. They may look good, if you can't click what is there really? I love those that are expressive individuals and can carry on an intelligent conversation with. They must be compassionate and considerate when the situation calls for it, if they're in a rut I support my partner and expect the other to do the same for me, not make a joke of the situation when it is indeed serious. Humor is essential, not an all time constant sort but the person who knows just when and how to use it right.


Zest for life is always nice, I enjoy those individuals best which can get out there, be happy and go for their goals instead of pouting about they'd never qualify so why bother. I had a bf once which had the latter view, drove me up a wall. I believe that if you have goals, go for them. You may not always succeed but its more impressive to try than sit at home wishing you had the courage to.


Physical, I believe I read a quote once, nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them. Without the above, attraction is just that - Physical not emotional without the needed click between partners.


Last but not least, people that can be good sports about a lot of life aspects. Jealousy is a pain. Being Suicidal after a relationship problem is a problem. Verbal abuse or any other for that matter is out of the question.

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Well, no girlfriend but there is someone I'm in love with. The answers obvious. I could say she is smart, fun, caring, sensitive, the best heart I've ever know, we have things in common, she understands and cares about me, she inspires me, shes so beautiful..... and far to many more things to list.


But why do I love her? Simple because I love her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love my boyfriend because he makes me want to be a better person, he's my best friend, my lover, a compassionate loving person who puts his family and me first, he's ambitious and intelligent.


There is no one I feel more comfortable with, he makes me not only believe that I'm fine the way I am, but that I'm wonderful and that I deserve to be loved and treasured.

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I love my boyfriend for so many reasons that I couldn't possibly mention them all. He is thoughtful, mature, sincere, completely honest, sensitive, loving, we have so many things in common and such an amazing connection that its scary sometimes, and he doesn't care what other people think about him. He has helped me to become a stronger person and has been there for me on so many different levels, even when my head was bandaged up for a week after surgery.


It is also the simple things that we share, and the joy we both find in spending time together. He does some of the most adorable things. The most recent one being In a Tim Hortons when he looked at me and became teary-eyed. I asked him what was wrong and he wouldn't stop smiling. He told me that I'm so beautiful that it brought him to tears and he was overwhelmed by how lucky he is to be with me.


Just knowing that someone loves me that much, and can show it in such unexpected ways makes my love for him even stronger. It's hard to even put into words... I just love him for who he is, and because he loves me for who I am.

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