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Sleevless on a date

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Hey...i heard some girls talking about this one time and i wanted to get some girls' opinions on this. When you go out on a date with a guy...say like just to the bowling alley...do you find it unattractive for them to wear sleevless shirts. I've heard girls say that it can be very unattractive even if the guy is muscle-bound. What say you? lol

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Unless we're pulling an all-nighter at a nightclub, the answer is most definitely no. That's just me though. Unless you've got great skin (with a hairless BACK), broad shoulders with nice arms, it just doesn't work.


There's nothing sexier than a guy in a fitted t-shirt and some loose jeans/ khakis. If this is one of your first dates, keep it simple and clean.

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I am a male, but I feel a need to respond to this anyway.


I think wearing sleeveless shirts indicates a lack of respect for your date, as well as oneself. It is rather inappropriate in any circumstance, unless digging a foxhole is part of itenary on the date.


My verdict? No go. Even a T shirt is much more decent than a sleeveless shirt.



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I would equate a guy wearing a sleeveless shirt on a date, to him stepping outside for to take the trash out. That's just my opinion. If a guy picked me up and I was all decked out for our date and I get in the car to find him in a sleeveless shirt like the kind one sleeps in, I'd say "just a minute while I go put on my nighties also"

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Most of the guys I know who wear elaborate tank tops are gay men. I'm not suggesting that you look as such, but most of the time, it's the gay men I know who pair a trendy tank with flashy tight jeans. I always wonder when I see a guy in a tank top, especially if it's loud or fitted. Ever been to a gay club? lol If you have, you'll understand what I mean.


The most attractive men are the ones who don't try that hard. Again, this is just my opinion, but I'd rather see a guy in a baseball cap than a sleeveless shirt.

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Perhaps people should pay less attention to what someone is wearing and more attention to the actual person? That sleeveless guy could be showing off or being disrespectful... or he could just be clueless in fashion sense and not thinking clearly. Doesn't mean he won't be a great date.


And it could also depend on when the date is or where you are going. I mean, if its the middle of summer in scorching 100 degree whether or your going to play basketball together because you are both sports people... sleeveless may make sense.

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A sleevless shirt at a bowling alley on a first date doesn't sound like a winner. Not because said guy looks bad in it but because it comes accross as either one of these:


1. You're feminine. Gay guys tend to wear sleevless and tight shirts. I'm not saying you're gay but this is the message some girls may pick up.


2. You're egotistical. Lots of big, bad, macho guys wear sleevless shirts to show off their "awesome" muscles. Muscles are hot, but who the hell cares if you're a jerk?


3. You're not interested enough. Wearing a sleevless shirt may come accross as you not caring. A girl may feel that you didn't put any effort into what you wore because you just don't care at all.


Then again, Shysoul is right. Appearance isn't everything so don't worry about it too much. Plus, it depends on the occasion. If you're going to an amusement park or something, sleevless is smart!


Hope this helps!

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1. You're feminine. Gay guys tend to wear sleevless and tight shirts. I'm not saying you're gay but this is the message some girls may pick up.


2. You're egotistical. Lots of big, bad, macho guys wear sleevless shirts to show off their "awesome" muscles. Muscles are hot, but who the hell cares if you're a jerk?



Well, being a guy and have as many open girl friends as i do i get to listen to them talk all the time (cuz thats what they do anyways lol) about who should wear what etc etc. I have never heard a girl say she likes guys in sleeveless shirts, especially when they are going out somewhere, and usually not even in the summer etc. Also, being a guy I notice that yes usualy feminine and gay men wear them and there are a lot more gay and feminine men than any of you would think.


2nd its mostly egotistical macho studs (as they think of themselves) who wear clothes like that. As i read this i started thinking, that of all my guy friends, there are only a few who like wearing sleeveless shirts, and they are the ones who think all the girls want them, and only do it to flaunt their arms making people think "ohh what else do they have".


I think its disrespectful and shows disrespect for yourself. but of course i always believe there are exceptions for anything, but not for people who are always out trying to show off, its ridiculous.

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Perhaps people should pay less attention to what someone is wearing and more attention to the actual person?


Well, the reality is that appearance matters to most people. I'd love to live in an world that it doesn't, but really, attraction matters. If a guy is a slob, I probably won't ever see him as being attractive. And I don't think it's shallow at all to have a certain standard of what you like, and don't like. Attraction is very subjective.

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Well, the reality is that appearance matters to most people. I'd love to live in an world that it doesn't, but really, attraction matters. If a guy is a slob, I probably won't ever see him as being attractive. And I don't think it's shallow at all to have a certain standard of what you like, and don't like. Attraction is very subjective.


Precisely, attraction is very subjective. So then what's the point of thinking about it? Using this example, some girls would go for sleeveless, others won't, and still otherswon't care. There's no way for the guy to be able to tell (short of asking and that would be a very strange question to ask). So wear make you are comfortable with. At most I'd say dress for the occasion, but don't think about what the other person will think. You want the other person to be attracted to you, and if he or she isn't able to see past the clothes you are wearing then you don't need to be wasting your time trying to please someone like that.


Standards are good, so long as they are reasonable standards. I understand not being into someone who doesn't seem like he takes care of himself. Who wants to date someone that hasn't bathed in 3 days or brushed his teeth in a week? But I notice I tendency for people to go overboard with "standards." How a person dresses, height, hair or eye color, etc... does any of it really matter? I think green eyes are lovely, but am I going to use that in determining how I feel for someone? No.


Think of all the potentially wonderful people that could be ruled out by such standards. And if attraction really is so subjective, perhaps your standards of attraction and what you like in appearance will change one you get to know the person better.

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And if attraction really is so subjective, perhaps your standards of attraction and what you like in appearance will change one you get to know the person better.


This is actually very accurate Shy. In fact, until I started dating my boyfriend, I hadn't noticed consciously that I really like nice hands, which he has the nicest of any guy I've ever met. But before that, it was never really something I would have noticed.


I do agree that you tend to notice a lot more of a person's attractive qualities when you get to know them better. Things like being tall or having light eyes and dark hair are things you notice automatically, but it's the smaller things like nice hands and a kind personality (which I would bet my life can be measured by how nice a person is to waiters/ waitresses/ service industry folks). It's tough to find people who always want others to feel comfortable in their presense, but it's probably the most important quality.

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