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yea i get migranes but they don't usually last for more then a morning or afternoon. i have also gotten a headache that lasted for about two weeks before i went to a doctor, make sure they take a blood test first before they tell you anything else. my doctor didn't and wound up telling me that i may have a brain tumor and needed a MRI and a CAT scan. we paid for it all and then they took a blood test and told me i had mono. i was realieved but quite ticked at the same time.

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If your headache won't go away after so long, you most likely have migraines. I have suffered migraine headaches since I was a teenager and it started out like yours - for days non-stop.


I would suggest seeing a doctor as soon as possible. Also ask your parents if they have a history of migraine headaches because they are hereditary. If you do see a doctor, I would ask if they have samples of Imitrex. They have done wonders for me and if they work for you, ask for a perscription. They are pricy so use your parents' insurance if possible.


A lot of the time, headaches come because deep done we may be hurting emotionally, which causes us to break down physically. If you are feeling this way, I would also suggest doing things that make you happy - listen to music, talk with friends, see a movie, etc. This may help relieve your stress level and thus relieve your headaches.


I hope you feel better. Take care.

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You may also want to consult a chiropractor. I also have migraines every few months. I have a prescription (Zomig) from my regular doc, but I also see a chiropractor who helps keep the headaches from occurring more frequently without the use of drugs.


In the interim, here's a home remedy that might help....lie down with a cold pack on the back of your neck for about 20 mins. When my chiropractor told me this, I thought she was nuts....it just didn't seem like cold and the back of my neck was a good combination. However, the cold will constrict the blood vessels supplying your head which can help ease throbbing pain. It will also temporarily numb the muscles. I usually cover up with a blanket so I don't get cold and the combination of the cold and the heat makes me sleepy. Most of the time when I wake up from the nap the headache is gone.

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