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How do you make yourself happy? ...

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great question.



I wonder sometimes why it seems difficult for me. I guess it is different for everyone. Not even sure if their is a straight answer.


But the internet should have tons of advice and suggestions.


I will be keeping my eye on your thread, i am curious to peoples responses.


Some suggestions that may help...

be responsible for your actions, never think of yourself as a victim no matter what happens to you in life.


try all the things you think about doing, even if it is by yourself. Really be honest about these things and try them at least six times before you decide if you like them or not. (sports, exercise, clubs, hobbies)


You are still in school so their is so much that you can participate in. I know it is easier for me to say to do things even if your friends dont approve, but that wont make you happy. Just try it. (Drama club, chess club, math club, science club, cheerleading, sports, the debate team) This is a great resource at your disposal, and i know school is out for the summer for now, but try to find out what is available come fall, now is the time to be thinking about the new school year coming up.



My personal experience, i didnt try enough things in school, per pressure, other substances clouded my perception. I id try football for one year, but it wasnt for me. I was fortunate though, by the time i was a senoir i had started writing poetry, and that was probably the one thing that got me to graduate.


If i was in your shoes, i would attempt everything. Even if you dont make a team, or get into a club, it isnt a big deal, because you tried, and knowing you tried your best should help in your personal happiness.


It is an inside job... it should come from within not without.


hope this helps.

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Hang out with my cat

Go work out

Get massages & pedicures every other week (nothing like pampering to make one feel good)

Go horseback riding

Talk to old friends


Focus on the good things currently in my life

Look at my retirement savings account

Read positive, uplifting books

Watch old epsiodes of Monty Python's Flying Circus

Look back at my old journals and see how far I've come

Shop (not buy....but just go look at stuff)

Go to the park and walk in the woods

Plan vacations

Volunteer charity work

Go out for a nice dinner at an expensive restaurant (usually only very special ocasions)

Realize how fast time goes by and how not enjoying the moment is throwing it away

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Stay away from the things that make you sad. Whether it be people or music or thoughts. Just try to forget about them. Listen to happy music. Do things that make you happier. Take pictures, go for a walk/swim, jump on the trampoline, lick some doorknobs, clean/rearrange your room, do some crafts, play a computer game, make a continuing list thing (sally was a hamseter. Hamsters are scary. Monsters are scary. Mike Wazowski is a monster. remember those?)



this is all I can think of at the moment...I hope you're not mad at me for posting on this topic...I wasn't sure if I should or not...Anyway, I hope you feel better soon and I'm always here if you need me!



Just thought of one more. I know for me, I get happier when I make other people happier/laugh. So maybe try that? Just a suggestion...

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Taking myself out to the outdoors, my college is about 25-30 minutes away from my house and it is situated in a very large garden park which i love going too (especially in autum and spring), only place that really makes me really happy.


Being around animals makes me happy, dogs more so than any other animals.

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Thank you for all the responses ..


My heart skipped a beat when I read "lick some doorknobs". I miss you dude, it's been like so long since ive seen you ..


brando -- I think I definitely need to get involved a bit more .. I've never even been on any kind of team in my life .. AHH!


shes2smart -- Alot of those I can't really relate to .. but I get what you're saying. Do things!


*suddenly feels extremely happy*


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shes2smart -- Alot of those I can't really relate to..


I've got a few years on you so that's not surprising. Basically, you just need to find things that make you feel good and make sure you include them in your life.


When I was your age, I knew what some of those things were...they would've been on my list back then and they still are now (specifically horses and writing in my journal). Some of the things on my list now I never could've dreamed I'd find interesting let alone being a source of happiness when I was a teenager (like the retirement savings account).


You'll change as you grow up, and you probably expect that already. The pleasant surprise is that in some very fundamental and true ways, you never really change at all.

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Ways to get happy:


1. Find a boyfriend

2. Find a religion

3. Be thankful every day for everything that you have

4. Take dance classes

5. Volunteer with Big Sisters / Big Brothers

6. Be a cheer leader

7. Join or create a club in your school

8. WRite a poem

9. Keep a journal

10. Join the student council at school

11. Eat

12. Go out with friends

13. Go swimming, water skiing

14. Make a list of all the people who have told you that they love you

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Ways to get happy:


1. Find a boyfriend


I'm just curious.....b/c I thought I had been seeing you typing about not being able to talk to women....so why do you have 'finding a b/f' at the top of your list, I wasn't under the impression you were that way. Not against anything if you are, just didn't expect it from you after seeing stuff you had posted before...not to mention the 'jasmine trias(spelling?) is hot!" thing in another post hehe

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There are lots of things that can make you happy, but yes, find a girlfriend is at the top of my list. YOu know, I can't imagine dying with out having had a girlfriend. I pity any one who has died before having a girlfriend. I mean, your bed is lonely if you just sleep by yourself. You need someone to snuggle up to. In olden days people used to sleep with animals to keep warm. They would actually go to sleep next to a sheep or a cow. In fact some say that Jesus didn't actually go to an inn, because the word "inn" can also be translated as "farm house" so maybe even Jesus slept with cows and sheep. But people (esp. girlfriends are better to snuggle up to than a cow or a sheep.


Also, I want to actually work so I can provide for someone. Thats really important to me.


And yes, the correct spelling is Jasmine Trias...I know the spelling of my special girl!!!!!! (I know her birthday too.....)




Ways to get happy:


1. Find a boyfriend


I'm just curious.....b/c I thought I had been seeing you typing about not being able to talk to women....so why do you have 'finding a b/f' at the top of your list, I wasn't under the impression you were that way. Not against anything if you are, just didn't expect it from you after seeing stuff you had posted before...not to mention the 'jasmine trias(spelling?) is hot!" thing in another post hehe

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being in a relationship should NOT be what makes you happy. happiness comes from within first & foremost.


i find happiness the most when im hangin with upbeat fun people, going out til all hours and being able to sleep in late , listening to music and doing something artistic.



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i agree with DG, hanging around with upbeat people is a definite way to be happy.. laughter as well.


Your so young still, and your whole life is still awaiting you.


Pay close attention to the things that you do that feel good, that make you feel good, and keep doing them. Leran more about them. And dont ever let anyone tell you different.


Their are too many people in this world who will want to drag you down into the hole they are in, pass these people up. And i guess then their are maybe equally as many who will lift you up as well. They are hard to come by and invaluable.

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Here's what I came up with awhile back:


"You can only truly be happy when you don't care that you are."


If you take the attitude of "I need to be happy, have to do something to make me happy," then you are still telling yourself that you are not happy in some ways. Don't think about it, just go and do something that you enjoy. It doesn't matter what you are doing (so long as its legal of course ), as long as you like it and no one is getting hurt.


And for that matter, sometimes its good to not be happy on occasion. It grounds you and helps you be well rounded. The danger comes in the extremes, always being depressed or always being happy.

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