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Fiancée broke up with me out the blue 6 months after serious crash

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Hello, I’m really struggling to come to terms with what’s going on with my relationship, so any help will he appreciated,


My girlfriend had a serious car crash 6 months ago which left her with bad injuries to legs with a 2 year rehab, 


I thought she was doing really well, the doctors even said this, but the other day she randomly says to me she’s struggling really bad with everything and prefers being on her own, so after some sobbing I accepted her going back to her parents,


2 days ago she came by requesting me to be out to collect some things, so I did so (She didn’t take much) So high on emotions she had text me saying been and gone thanks, so I said no problem I miss you, which she replied we need to continue to go our separate ways I don’t feel the same anymore, 


So does she just need time away or are we really over, rarely argued always had it solved within a day and was recently engaged after her crash


 I’ve never dealt with a break up before, so unsure if this is normal, but after everything we’ve been through and my love for the girl I can’t accept it



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When people tell you something, hear them and believe them.

She said she doesn't feel the same anymore.  That's all you need to know, I'm sorry to say.

You did the right thing, vacating your place while she packed her things, and telling her that you miss her.  Leave it as it is, with peace, and go your separate ways.

I know this hurts, and I'm so sorry.

I also think that if it hadn't been this crash, it would have been something else down the road.  

Often, one person loves more than the other, and this appears to be the case here.

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21 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

How long were you two dating?  Were you in the car with her?  I’d give her space - she might be traumatized and feeling like a burden to you.  I’m so sorry. 

Been about 18 months, but we spent so much time together she tells me I’m hers for life, want to get married have kids etc, I wasn’t in the car with her no.


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9 minutes ago, Starlight925 said:

When people tell you something, hear them and believe them.

She said she doesn't feel the same anymore.  That's all you need to know, I'm sorry to say.

You did the right thing, vacating your place while she packed her things, and telling her that you miss her.  Leave it as it is, with peace, and go your separate ways.

I know this hurts, and I'm so sorry.

I also think that if it hadn't been this crash, it would have been something else down the road.  

Often, one person loves more than the other, and this appears to be the case here.

Thank you for your reply first off! I don’t think it’s a case of me loving her more, as she’s always said how much I mean to her and how she wants me and only me, we’ve planned our life together, I appreciate your help 

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The car crash gave her a taste of her mortality/the reality of life is way too short. She wants to recover and start really living her life with no one tying her down. Not only does that mean following her dreams, but dating/having different experiences. She's probably going to put marriage/serious relationship on hold for the next ten years.

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Sorry you are hurting.. yes, it is hard to be dumped 😕 .

But I agree as mentioned above.  She's most likely traumatized by her experience and needs some good time now on her own to 'recover' and get herself back to good.

A relationship is most likely too much for her and she just needs her own time now, for a while. No pressures, no expectations, etc.

You can do nothing now but work on accepting what is.

Was decent of you to admit you miss her, wish her the best etc but IMO, no more communication is needed.  You leave her be and work through this on your own.  Seek your own mental support. Your friends/ family etc.

I found it helpful by journaling. I write out all I want to say ( eg in wordpad on my pc, or on paper).  Might be good on you to get out there, get physical to work it out, join a gym, go running, get into a sport, etc.

In time, things will get easier for you.  That was 18 mos of a relationship & experience. Now, is time to accept & move on.

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If the injuries to her legs have resulted in scarring or mobility issues, her self esteem has probably taken a bashing and she may well feel very vulnerable. Serious events like that have long-standing emotional effects and maybe she can't cope with all that and a relationship too. 

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