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She left me last week, help me understand whats happening!!

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Leave email and text messages to the cowards that dont have the guts to say what they want to say in person.


Wait till she calls you. Its her move. In the meantime, go hang out with your buddies, get some exercise, see some movies, or play some video games man. Good luck.

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You dont know she's a liar. So what you saw a car?


Trust what she's telling you for once, and give her the space. She can go and experiment, and you can try to move on. You were young when you got together, and perhaps she just needs time to explore the single life for a while. It's not completely hopeless, she might get back with you in the future - who knows

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ok well.. i know I saw a car, but i mean, i also saw more than that.. i just dont like announcing it and then people think im a spy or something. But, I am for sure that they are together, just trust me when I say that. And thanks to everyone whos been replying to my post so far.. Its helping me out a bit

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  • 3 weeks later...

I feel your loss. I can understand your gilfriend's side-she wants to be on her own, as she as never experienced true life without you. I know she love you as she can, for allowing her to grow confident in herself and able to make her own decisions for her life. You were a part of that growth, and for that, you should be happy for the way she's become-an independent woman. You were the catalyst that allowed her to realized there is much more to life than depending on others. AND....perhaps she'll return to you, once she's gained the knowledge she needs to know she's self-sufficient and able to make her own, independent choices without your advice. Believe me, she values her relationship with you more than you'll ever know, but in a different, coming-of-age way. Let her go for now, and realize for herself that you're the one for her. Until then, let her go and come to this realization by herself. Only then will you realize that the relationship-with both of you FINALLY at the same level-will heal and at last, develop, should she ultimately choose so.

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