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Is she over it, or should I keep persuing

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Was wondering if someone could give me some advice. I am a 35M and have been dating a woman for about 2 months. We've only gone on 3 dates over that time, as she travels alot for work, and has had to reschedule our last date due travel. After out last date she said she had a wonderful time and that we should do it again, and recommended a restaurant we should go to. I made a reservation and let her know, and she said she was looking forward to it. About 2 days later she said she had had to fly out of town for work again, and if we could reschedule to the following week. 2 days after that she text again and said that the following week wouldnt work either because she was headed out of town for her friends birthday (apparently they had this planned and she forgot). I recommended the following week, but she said was traveling again the week after that. Ultimately she apologized and said she wasn';t being awkward she just hasn't has any time and would let me know when she finally gets her head above water. I basically said no worries, hopefully we can hang out again soon. That was about a week ago, I sent her 1 or two flirty texts but haven't gotten much back from here.

I know that was super long winded, but I really like this girl and dont know what my next play should be? I'm afraid if I just wait 3 weeks hoping she will contact me, it will look like i am uninterested, however, I dont want to be too overeager and annoying when she said she would like me know when shes free. or Could she just be over it? Help is appreciated!

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30 minutes ago, Jdgree e said:

That was about a week ago, I sent her 1 or two flirty texts but haven't gotten much back from here.

She deserved no further attention after cancelling. If she'd been truly interested, she should've been the one going above and beyond to show she was interested.

I read it as her being cowardly and not wanting to tell you he's no longer interested. Even if she was being truthful, how is it satisfying to only see each other once every two weeks and regularly having dates cancelled?

There are pretty women in your locality who have far better schedules, and who will make it crystal clear she's totally interested in you. Hold out for a woman like that.

Block this nowhere lady's number. She's not even worth a goodbye text.

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What Ive learned about time is that, the people who would want to get to know you, would make time for you. No matter what. If she would want to have that date, she would make time.

Also, why fixation on somebody with that kind of schedule? If in 2 months she cant see you more then 3 times, if we go by her excuse of being busy, why you regard this as something worth keeping around? No matter what kind of qualities that person has, you should view that stuff as a dealbreaker.

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While there can be a difference between being 'over' a person or just over the struggle of trying to fit someone new into one's life, I would just back off. She's likely feeling lousy and self conscious about needing to keep on top of her calendar, and only time can tell whether that levels off for her. If so, and she's interested enough, she'll reach out you.

It's so much simpler to just credit people for knowing how to contact you when it's a better time for them. No need to view it as a reflection on you.

Head high, and set up meets with other people. The more choices you have, the less impact any given unfortunate outcome will have on you.

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She is very busy with her travels and you are merely squeezed into her frenetic life as time and / or energy permits.  You need to determine if you're willing to remain in perpetual standby mode.  If your patience begins to wear thin, then it's better to date a woman who has a local, more practical, convenient, flexible schedule for you and her. 

Remain realistic.

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Dude , no matter the interest, she doesn't have time for you. 3 dates over 2 months? It's not going to get any better than that. There's no way you could get anything off the ground with her schedule and she knows this....that's why she's doing the slow fade.

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