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I can't read my situation.. Opinions please!!

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Okay, so me and my ex broke up about 2 weeks ago, but she told me that she still wants to remain good friends.

Anyways, i've given her space, and now it seems like she's interested in me again. Whenever I come online, she is the first person to say "hey" to me.. even if she comes online after me.

At school we stil walk around together, and hang out with our friends, and she just seems to like to hang around me a lot now.


Yesterday, she came over and helped my mom and I, with our yardsale (her and my mom are pretty close) and then we went and watched my sisters dance recital together. Last night, me, her, and her 2 friends (who I am also friends with) came over, and we hung out all night.


Me and my ex, had lots of fun convo's, and we did lots of fun stuff yesterday alone. She made lunch for us.. we went swimming, stuff like that. We spent about 12 hours together yesterday! and when Iwas on the computer she seemed into me.. she would bite my shoulder and stuff, and put her chin into my back and things like that.


We have plans for the summer too, parties, cottage, swimming.. things like that. Any advice, and opinions for my situation?

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well done on being so close after a break up!


i suggest maybe you should keep doing what you're doing, she may suggest getting back together later but it could be that she really does just want to be your friend. just wait and see what happens over summer, i'm sure she'll let you know how she feels

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you never know what will happen for certain, but i will say that youare very lucky to be spending time with her. You have a special person in your life, and we that dont have it are looking for it, trust me! Live in the very second that you are in, and every minute with her will be sunshine. Dont wast a happy minute worrying about a lifetime. You are fortunate.

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You've been back and forth with this girl for awhile, I say take it slow and give it some more time, but be cautious, she continues to say she doesn't want to be bf gf with you so think of your own self too and what you are willing to accept in terms of treatment if she keeps flirting and yet still won't commit.

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Ditto to what Hope said. Until she says or does something that really stands out (ie, she kisses you, or says, "let's get back together"), you should figure that she is only interested in your friendship. Don't read too much into things.

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