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Was this a sign from the universe?

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Alright so, if you saw my last post about my friend cutting me off. I have some interesting details to include and I want to see what you think. 
So the night before my friend decided to cut me off, we went to a concert.  When we got into the venue after scanning mobile tickets. My phone suddenly froze and did not work or turn off or on no matter what I did to it. I panicked of course but then just watched the rest of the show. Did not get any pictures or video. Only one of me after I got merch. The next day, my phone died, I charged it and it miraculously came back to life. Now, I feel like this was a sign from the universe. "You don't want to remember this night"  type of thing. Does this make sense?  I tend to be intuitive as well and can feel things and emotions. And also for awhile in the back of my mind I felt like she may cut me off after our concert. But I kept brushing it off. It sucks that it happened. I'm just realizing a lot of things after this happened.

 Also, this morning I took a nap and in my dream, I drove away from her. So I think that means letting go.  I hope things continue to get better. I am still on my anti-depressants and seeking therapy. But this week was just hard. What do you think? 

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20 minutes ago, katyfran45 said:

I am still on my anti-depressants and seeking therapy. But this week was just hard. What do you think? 

That's great. Your mind seems to be processing a lot of stuff that's going on. It may be a way for your mind to get closure and move forward.

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I had to laugh because I never had a smartphone at any concert and I went to many -starting in 1981 (Foreigner -Billy Squier opened).  My last rock concert was in around 2010-11 (the Eagles  -I brought my flip phone). 

So - no- I don't think it was a sign at all because I don't think there's any connection between concerts and taking photos. I have tons of memories of the concerts I went to and only in my head -maybe a couple of times someone had a camera and took a photo of us going in but that was really rare.  I don't need photos to have memories of rock concerts- at least, the memorable ones and there were so many! I remember the Rolling Stones concert at a huge outdoor venue in 1989 -who my date was (someone I was not that into, he knew I was not that into him, he still wanted me to go with him) and the woman who was pushed from a higher level and we broke her fall thank goodness (and did not get hurt). 

Concerts for me are always very memorable and therefore if something bad happened with the person I went with after I'd still remember it. 

I think personally you're reading into it too much and it's a sign you're way too dependent on your phone -I share that with kindness.  

I'm glad you're starting on meds -good for you!! And yes dreams can be cool and I'm glad you had a dream where you left her -that sounds like a good dream/step in the right direction.  

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Yes, I believe those are tell tell signs that your friend wasn't meant to be.  I've had strange things happen to me as well.  I've had dreams where I was running away from someone and when I awoke, I took it as a warning to really run away from this person as in eliminate this person from my life permanently.  There are messages in this life whether signs or strange dreams which forewarn you to stay away from certain people for a reason.  Those warnings are there to protect you from harm and sometimes even save your life.  Take heed because warnings are always correct. 

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I don't know, I don't buy into the theory that dreams have any inherit meaning.  If a dream was meant to have some kind of message behind it, what about if you lucid dream?  Doesn't that kinda shatter that concept if a dream was supposed to have some information for you but now you're aware of the dream and can start changing the 'plot' as you see fit?

Also there's the fact that you won't even recall the majority of your dreams.  They'll happen and you simply won't have any idea.  I think dreams are a mystery, like many things related to the brain and consciousness, we're very far away from understanding.

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I once heard a psychologist describe dreams as our way of whispering in our own ears. Many believe that dreams contain a lot of 'pre-conscious' material--stuff we're testing out in the dream state before we're ready to deal with it consciously.

Maybe you've passed your own test.

As for the phone, dunno. Your ideas are as valid as anyone's.

Good work!

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On 10/30/2022 at 6:19 AM, LikeWater said:

I don't know, I don't buy into the theory that dreams have any inherit meaning.  If a dream was meant to have some kind of message behind it, what about if you lucid dream?  Doesn't that kinda shatter that concept if a dream was supposed to have some information for you but now you're aware of the dream and can start changing the 'plot' as you see fit?


There is a whole science behind dreams and meaning of it. So much so that some of the most famous psychologists like Freud and Jung spent years trying to uncover it. Its still thought to this day as such at Universities, as it is a pathway into human psyche. You dont have to "buy" anything, there is literally 100+ years of science behind it. Also not all dreams are meaninful.

Some dreams can be meaningful because they deal with human conflicts and subcontiousness. For example OP has emotional struggle because her(at least I think its her) friend left her at difficult times. So naturally she dreams about her friend as she has a conflict regarding it. And she interprets it as moving on. Which is a fine interpretation, she should do just that.

I wouldnt go into "a sign of the Universe" thing with phone. That is just bogus and no science behind it.

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On 10/31/2022 at 4:56 AM, Kwothe28 said:

There is a whole science behind dreams and meaning of it. So much so that some of the most famous psychologists like Freud and Jung spent years trying to uncover it. Its still thought to this day as such at Universities, as it is a pathway into human psyche. You dont have to "buy" anything, there is literally 100+ years of science behind it. Also not all dreams are meaninful.

Some dreams can be meaningful because they deal with human conflicts and subcontiousness. For example OP has emotional struggle because her(at least I think its her) friend left her at difficult times. So naturally she dreams about her friend as she has a conflict regarding it. And she interprets it as moving on. Which is a fine interpretation, she should do just that.

I wouldnt go into "a sign of the Universe" thing with phone. That is just bogus and no science behind it.

Well that settles it, because science has always been correct and perfect, yeah?  I really tire of this flaw of thinking that just because we have a little bit of information means we know everything.  

True scientists are the opposite of that.  You start at zero and see if anything makes sense.  You don't start at 5 and get to 6  and say, "I knew it!"

Carl Jung was a psychologist and philosopher, a study of human thought.  He was not in any way a professional of the neurology within the brain, so again, we to this day don't really know.  Stop trying to act like we know everything.  We probably know nothing. 

Dreams do not have meaning.  It is a human condition to assign responsibility to things we don't understand.  So it is and will always be.

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Many of my dreams have helped me sort through whatever is going on in my life. I read somewhere a long time ago that dreams are the love letters and hate mail of our psyches.

I know one time I was going through something very upsetting at work. My mother had passed away a couple of years earlier. I dreamed I was sitting in her lap crying my eyes out and she was patting my back saying "It's OK, Mija". I felt so comforted. Other times I've literally dreamed answers to problems I'd been having.

So yeah, I tend to pay attention at the very least. I view them as a sign from ME, not from the universe, BTW.

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That is fine for anyone to believe.  Beliefs are a little silly in themselves, and I have my own that don't hold any real substance to feed off.

But much like the tooth fairy or whatever else, you can be fooled very easily.  Imagination is very powerful.  I think it's a healthy thing to find a balance between imagination and reality.

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1 hour ago, LikeWater said:

That is fine for anyone to believe.  Beliefs are a little silly in themselves, and I have my own that don't hold any real substance to feed off.

But much like the tooth fairy or whatever else, you can be fooled very easily.  Imagination is very powerful.  I think it's a healthy thing to find a balance between imagination and reality.

I think it's healthy to respect others' beliefs as long as they don't hurt you personally.  You believe you can be fooled very easily.  I don't have that belief.  My son believed in the tooth fairy for a long time.  I think he knew for a long time the tooth fairy wasn't real but it provided a level of comfort to him and happiness when he received his card from her with $ for his lost tooth.  So he had the suspension of disbelief you could say.  

I believe that dreams at times help us make sense of the world, gain perspective, get closure.  

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58 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

I think it's healthy to respect others' beliefs as long as they don't hurt you personally.  You believe you can be fooled very easily.  I don't have that belief.  My son believed in the tooth fairy for a long time.  I think he knew for a long time the tooth fairy wasn't real but it provided a level of comfort to him and happiness when he received his card from her with $ for his lost tooth.  So he had the suspension of disbelief you could say.  

I believe that dreams at times help us make sense of the world, gain perspective, get closure.  

That may have been the most absent-minded thing I've ever read.  First off, you're essentially saying genocide is a fine belief as long as it doesn't affect you.  You're also giving credit to people who preach about flat earth, tide pods being food... all sorts of nonsense.  I disagree whole heartedly with your statement.  One single belief could be a catastrophe for the entire planet.  

Your son just knew he could get more money.  That's all that was.  I did the same thing.

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20 minutes ago, LikeWater said:

That may have been the most absent-minded thing I've ever read.  First off, you're essentially saying genocide is a fine belief as long as it doesn't affect you.  You're also giving credit to people who preach about flat earth, tide pods being food... all sorts of nonsense.  I disagree whole heartedly with your statement.  One single belief could be a catastrophe for the entire planet.  

Your son just knew he could get more money.  That's all that was.  I did the same thing.

LOL!  Love your word salad and your assumption that I was asking for your approval of my personal opinion.  My opinion is  you could not possibly have been responding to what I wrote - but it sure gave you an opportunity to ascend the soapbox once again.  Enjoy that journey but please do leave my child out of it, thanks!  Sweet dreams 😉 and have a great evening. 

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9 hours ago, LikeWater said:

Guess believe vs reality just hit you square in the face, huh?  You almost had a meltdown!  Not my intention, please accept this apology.

You were the one to bring your kid into it to begin with.  Don't paint me as a bad guy for responding to your own words.

No worries!  Many here speak of their children without responses that speculate in the way you did - I didn't "open the door" to have that sort of assumption to try to paint him in a negative light or that what he said he believed he did not in order to get more $. 

I do like your story about why you pretended to believe in the tooth fairy! My sister and I cooked up similar ways to get what we wanted lol.(She was quite adept at feigning illness to get a day off from school).

In our family our son is actually very open and honest with us (not taking full credit in the least -some are just born that way I suppose and my husband and I foster it for sure!) and he feels well taken care of in the gifts/$ he receives - because he knows the value of money, and doesn't act in an entitled way to any troubling extent when it comes to gifts/$.  Which is in line with our values, actions and how we live our lives. 

All families and kids are different for sure which is why I never assume I would know why a child act/reacts in a particular way - I might give an opinion but only if asked for one.  And even then with huge caveats.  Same with adults but in particular with children.

My son actually enjoys sharing his dreams with us and ventures into forms of analyzing them.  We enjoy hearing about them!

Thanks for your response -appreciated and moving on.  Hope you are having a pleasant day.

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It's very cute that you trust a child won't pull every maneuver they can to get what they want.  I'm not implying he's a bad child or that you're a bad parent, this is just something you have to deal with as a parent.

Kids lie more than adults do.  Be prepared for it.

I hope you have a pleasant day as well, more than that I wish you every happiness. I don't argue out of hatred, as I've said before, I actually welcome opposing views.  

No harm at all intended.

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8 hours ago, LikeWater said:

It's very cute that you trust a child won't pull every maneuver they can to get what they want.  I'm not implying he's a bad child or that you're a bad parent, this is just something you have to deal with as a parent.

Kids lie more than adults do.  Be prepared for it.

I hope you have a pleasant day as well, more than that I wish you every happiness. I don't argue out of hatred, as I've said before, I actually welcome opposing views.  

No harm at all intended.

Oh my goodness.  My son is 13.  Before I had my son I was a classroom teacher for a couple of years, worked in daycare for a year, babysat, worked with children in a homeless shelter weekly for 7 years, studied education and was an involved Aunt to my sister's four kids. I do appreciate the input just have to chuckle at the cliche and the "be prepared" -I'm sure someone said something like that to me when I was a teenager and started babysitting.  

From my experience people are individuals and kids don't lie more than adults do.  I respect that your experience is different in the children you know/know of (I don't know if you have any children).  I absolutely remember my son's first lie when he was 5 and was caught using money in his lunch account to purchase a hot lunch and tossed the lunch I'd packed lol.  It was really funny.  Not upsetting at all despite having to explain to him why it was a bad idea to use the account without permission and toss my lunch (no sharing allowed I think because of potential allergies).  Loved his face when he was caught and his enthusiasm for the meatball sub he purchased.  

Thanks for reminding me of that lie - great memory.  I think with raising a child it's mostly "man plans/god laughs" -sure you prepare.  and prepare.  and prepare.  It's what a good, involved parent does IMO.  But you also know it's so often wildly unpredictable and you sign up for that when you become a parent. Again my humble opinion. Parenting is humbling!

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