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So, the guy my friend and liked from freshman year recently confessed and told me he liked me. Now we're dating, but seeing how most of the people that go to our school date people of their own race (majority are hispanics) I feel like people are judging me for dating my boyfriend, and that has made it a bit awkward for us. 

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I was judged for dating "nerdy" men, men who were not tall, for being with a  loud crying 9 month old in line at the supermarket, etc.  Judgers will judge/haters will hate.  Walk tall, walk with a confident vibe - if someone "looks" in an inappropriate way do a big smile and stare at them at the same time like "I've got your number, dude- keep on moving/stay in your lane"

Be confident in your choices especially when it comes to outer appearance.  How would you feel if you saw two Hispanic women or men walking hand in hand, obviously a couple? Would you judge? I bet not.  Others might though simply because some people are really uncomfortable with anything "different" and then express that -rudely - by staring or judging.  

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It's heroes who have rocked the boat and changed their local communities, or even the world, because they acted in a way true to themselves, and/or fought for beneficial change, even if it created an uproar.

What if you created a new trend that affects your school and people aren't so close-minded? Even if you didn't, think about how you don't get to choose other people's partners for them, so why do you think anybody has a say-so in your partner?

Sometimes it takes certain situations to see who your true friends really are. If they are not, you can gravitate to supportive friends and let unsupportive ones fade away.

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8 hours ago, Rose Mosse said:

People will judge you anyway regardless of race. If it’s not your skin colour or that of your boyfriend’s, it’ll be your shirt or how you wore your hair that day. You’re probably hypervigilant and self-conscious because you’re aware you’re doing something the majority isn’t. So what? 

As long as you care for each other and your feelings are sincere, don’t bother with what others think. 

This ^^^

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I don’t think you have to try to create any broad changes unless you feel motivated.  If you’re dating him because you like him and have stuff in common and enjoy hanging out then that’s typical of most people’s motivation to date someone.  No need unless you wish to take it further than that and try to make it some kind of statement just because he was born a different race than you. 
certainly if someone makes a bigger deal out of it and gets all judgey you can choose to distance yourself or you can choose to express to the person that who you happen to click with is none of his or her concern.  Cause it’s not. 

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