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Should I end the friendship?

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My girlfriend is now back with her ex. We are still friends, but I have been trying NC on her. For 2 weeks i have been successful as i ignored her emails and phone calls. But I just broke NC today, feeling pretty bad. I would really love to have her back. But she has moved on. I always hope there is a slim chance in the future. Should I end the friendship to kill my false hopes?



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the only time i ever took an ex back who had dumped me for another ex it screwed me up so much that i am still dealing with the aftermath now i have finished my new relationship.


Run for the hills - dont get mixed up in it if you can bare it. Feel the pain now and save yourself


Take care and good luck

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She´s gone back to her ex yet she still keeps contacting you? For what exactly? To torment you? That isn´t very nice of her.


And why would you want her back? She up and left you for someone else. And by contacting her or trying to get her back, you are sending a very clear message that she can get away with anything. That won´t inspire much respect on her part.


If I were you, I would never contact her. If she contacts you, tell her only once that you will not take her calls, and then don´t. If she decides to get back together, don´t make it so easy. She has a lot of explaining to do.


Good luck!

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I think that's what she did with her ex. They kept contact with each other and now they are back together. It sounds stupid for me to do the same and hope for the same isn't it? First I thought I would try everything to win her back, but I looks like tough luck for me since she never got over her ex at the first place.

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Mr Sub


You have to look at it like this, how many other guys does she keep contact with????


I keep contact with my exes too on a friendly basis as in if i bump into them i will speak to them.


As far as i can see she made a calculating move to leave you for an ex also tread carefully you have no idea what this ex is like...

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Speaking from the perspective of someone who remained friends with an ex while in a current relationship, RUN. It hurt all three of us. If your gf went back to her ex after continuing to speak to him while dating you, then she wanted more than friendship with him all along. She never really gave you a chance. There were three of you in that relationship. You were not respected. To speak to her now, while she is with him, is to invite this kind of chaos back into your life. It will not work. It will not win her back. She may return temporarily, but continue to speak with her ex. Do you want to go through this again? End the drama. Let her go. Someone else will want you and only you. Good luck.

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My girlfriend is now back with her ex.


Basically she is saying this guy is better than you. Why would you even bother being her friend?


I always hope there is a slim chance in the future. Should I end the friendship to kill my false hopes?


Do you enjoy playing second fiddle to another guy you got dumped for? I think you are probably better than that dude.

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