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My boyfriend told his ex to come to his party ?

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I over heard my boyfriend inviting his ex to his party. My boyfriend talks to his ex regularly they seem close. I’m not an insecure woman so i don’t think anything of it 

Today he FaceTimed her while at my house. And when she answered he went into the other room. And he starts telling her about the party.
She says well i don’t know about going
So he starts asking her why and then he says “are you not going because I’m going to be there” and she said “well when i asked you said i don’t care if you come “ and he said “i don’t care means you come “ then he says “bring your mom your sister your cousin to the party just come and i been missing you too so yeah come”

So she says “well you got a gf so i don’t think that’s a good idea” and he says “I’m single i don’t owe you or nobody else nothing”
Then he said if you don’t wanna talk or deal with me anymore just say that” “even if you don’t i know you’re going to text me again sooner or later asking to see me” hen he said again” let me know if you still want to deal with me”

TL:DR; am i overreacting or am i underreacting? I don’t think she should be invited to go

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28 minutes ago, slimKimmie said:

My boyfriend talks to his ex regularly they seem close. I’m not an insecure woman so i don’t think anything of it

Perhaps you should. There is a difference between being insecure, and being able to identify red flags and not caring about wanting to be The Cool Girlfriend just to keep a guy who's behaving badly. 

30 minutes ago, slimKimmie said:

he says “I’m single

There's your answer. He doesn't care about you. 

Get rid of him. 

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16 minutes ago, MissCanuck said:

Perhaps you should. There is a difference between being insecure, and being able to identify red flags and not caring about wanting to be The Cool Girlfriend just to keep a guy who's behaving badly. 

There's your answer. He doesn't care about you. 

Get rid of him. 

He seemed to be inviting everyone from the looks of it so i never paid it any mind

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1 hour ago, slimKimmie said:

My boyfriend talks to his ex regularly they seem close. I’m not an insecure woman so i don’t think anything of it 

Well, you're contradicting yourself, because you DO think something of it. You've just boxed yourself into pretending that you don't.

I can't speak for you, only myself. I won't deal with anyone who is still involved with an ex lover in any way, shape, or form beyond shared children--and you're learning WHY.

I'm not insecure, either. But I'm certainly not going to set myself up to become that way, only to trap myself into a corner because I was sooo okaaaay with their contact.

Skip that.

I don't get to make rules for anybody else, but I can set my own standards. Anybody who wants to date me can do whatever he pleases, but if that includes ongoing contact with an ex, he can go ahead and do that without dating me.

You've since learned how playing friendzies with an ex can complicate a new relationship. You can also keep on pretending to think nothing of it, but good luck with that.

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He said he's single and you just accept that?!?

Woman, it's not just the ex the problem here. She's the tip of the iceberg.


Pick up what's left of your dignity and leave. He's not worthy of you. You deserve a man who has healthy boundaries with people, who's honest and proud about being with you. Who respects you! Who is over his ex. So go get that, cause this one is NOT the one.

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Well I think he's a bit thick headed. I don't think his comment about being single was meant to be serious. He's just getting pissy with her. She knows he's not single. To settle this, invite her yourself. Call her. This will give you the opportunity to get to know her and form an alliance.

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Just now, smackie9 said:

Well I think he's a bit thick headed. I don't think his comment about being single was meant to be serious. He's just getting pissy with her. She knows he's not single. To settle this, invite her yourself. Call her. This will give you the opportunity to get to know her and form an alliance.

Well if he didn’t mean it then I’m upset for nothing 

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3 minutes ago, slimKimmie said:

She said “i thought you had a gf” and hung up and he started calling her back saying “i don’t have a go she just tags me in stuff in Facebook” 

Well why didn't you just say that. And why post about it here? You know what you need to do right at that moment...breakup and give him the boot. No brainer darlin.

Reverse psychology seems to get the info out.

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Just now, slimKimmie said:

She said “i thought you had a gf” and hung up and he started calling her back saying “i don’t have a go she just tags me in stuff in Facebook” 

What?! And you find this acceptable?

What man does that?

Woman, you need to realize that he's not that into you and he does not respect you.

Imagine if you're married... Nah, she's not my wife. She just takes care of my baby! Ha... Ha. ha.

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1 minute ago, smackie9 said:

Well why didn't you just say that. And why post about it here? You know what you need to do right at that moment...breakup and give him the boot. No brainer darlin.

Because your description describes my boyfriend he jokes and plays and is hyper a lot. As soon as she realized he was with me she hung up and he started blowing her phone up

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6 hours ago, slimKimmie said:

Because your description describes my boyfriend he jokes and plays and is hyper a lot. As soon as she realized he was with me she hung up and he started blowing her phone up

That is not the reason he pretends to be single. 

This guy is not into you. Time to dump him before he dumps you. 

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