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21 hours ago, Jibralta said:

it's not the 'elites;' it's the lobbyists. They control our government. Have you ever seen the documentary Who Killed the Electric Car?

I haven't seen it, but I've heard about the things that documentary talks about.  Things have changed though since that time.  We are projected to transition over to being 50% electric by 2030 (huge).  

He just exposes a lot, or could, I don't believe it's solely lobbyists that he pisses off if you know what I mean.  https://www.healththoroughfare.com/news/elon-musk-exposes-the-united-nations-as-money-laundering-and-child-sex-trafficking-operation-with-just-one-tweet/39681

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2 hours ago, maritalbliss86 said:

I haven't seen it, but I've heard about the things that documentary talks about.

It's worth watching. It's not about environmentalism; it's about power brokerage. Bottom line is that the fossil fuel families weren't ready to shift to renewable energy in the 80s and early 90s. So they got together with the major car manufacturers and the rubber companies (family friends) and changed government policy.* But over the last 30 years these same companies have positioned themselves properly and no longer need to kill the electric car--they can capitalize on it. They cut Elon out because he's not playing nice and is in fact making trouble for them on other fronts. Which I think is great, by the way.  


* If you're interested in the depths to which they will go, a good book to read is Cape Wind: Money, Celebrity, Class, Politics, and the Battle for Our Energy Future. You wouldn't believe what good friends the Democrats and Republicans actually are!

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I’m old school. I want stoking a coal fire back 🤣


I feel like the Victorians who had their horse and carts and saw the first car and thought, no way in hell! 🤪


I completely get where people are coming from when they sell everything, move to Alaska and live in a tiny cabin with their log fire and their vegetable patch and chickens. I just don’t have the backing to do it. My husband is one of those annoying “summer people” - UGH 🤓 


My ideal life situation would be a log cabin in the middle of the woods with a fire cracking, a tin bath, the kids running wild and home schooled, living in a thick wool jumper, snuggling up early in bed with the better half and reading and writing every night with nothing else to do 🥲 all the stars and consolations above your head, no light pollution! Is that just a dream or what? Would reality take over? I feel like me and the modern world don’t mix. Anything to get me away from the awful compulsion of shopping! 

What would be your ideal living situation Marital? Do you enjoy the idea of all sustainable electric hyper modernist flying car pod future? As much as I admire Elon Musk for certain things he has done, every time I see him in an interview I don’t really ever warm to him. 


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3 hours ago, mylolita said:

What would be your ideal living situation Marital? Do you enjoy the idea of all sustainable electric hyper modernist flying car pod future?

I feel like I'm still figuring that out... 🤔 we're in a good position to launch into something completely different for our family, but deciding what that should be is very hard.

Alaska was actually one option believe it or not 🤣 but my husband won't do it

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1 hour ago, maritalbliss86 said:

I feel like I'm still figuring that out... 🤔 we're in a good position to launch into something completely different for our family, but deciding what that should be is very hard.

Alaska was actually one option believe it or not 🤣 but my husband won't do it


We are in exactly the same boat!!! I am like, wanna sell up and just live okay forever, not really have to work? And just live simple, tiny, humble and back to the earth? I mean a small part of me says get the sick bucket but a huge part of me deeply craves it. I think it would be good for me. I am so terrible when temptations are dangled in front of me in this urban world. Overload on caffeine, I spend way too much money on things I don't love or need, I get wrapped up in others and pleasing others and sometimes I feel like modern life is not healthy for me. 

Hey if we can persuade our husbands wanna be my neighbour in Alaska? I'll come split some fire wood for ya! Hahahahaha! 

This is not gonna happen now as only a few days ago we had our offer accepted on a new house.

Lo x

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So our baby nephew passed away a few days ago.  My husband only found out indirectly through facebook.  I ironically never would have known about the baby if my husband hadn't kept accidentally finding things out.  Sometimes ignorance is bliss.  But I'm glad I was able to pray mercy over him😔 ❤️.

I saw the obituary... they cut him, me, and our children out of it when mentioning his uncles, aunts, and cousins (and they did mention the other ones by name).  

My husband is dealing with some anger.  I'll never understand his family.

The baby was still our nephew, and we know we'll see him again.  I suggested we hold our own ceremony together as a family for him.  Our oldest is aware enough that he is grieving the death of his baby cousin, and this is a kind way to honor it for everyone.

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Something I wanted to update from back in maybe April (so from the other journal).... 

The allergy medicine did help basically eliminate the meltdowns our Viking Child was having (that made me suspect autism or a sensory disorder).  He maybe still has something like that, the doctor didn't think so last time, but a more recent time when she saw him, she said I should get him tested through the (free) school system just in case.  

But the allergy meds did work!  And I found a lot of research that led to that conclusion.  Wanted to update here in case it helps anyone else.

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Also... found this link with healing and the mysterious qualities of voice power and resonance with molecular structures (this has been a lost art form that was used for centuries... I've used it and had remarkable effects of healing things):

Quartz molecular structure  .... it's basically like the Jewish star of David repeating over and over again... and when used correctly, resonates and vibrates and releases a strange energy (I know I sound nuts... sorry!). Just thought that was interesting


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Something else I just thought of....

I have only two pieces of quartz jewelry from my childhood, that my mother got for me for some reason.  They are two hearts, a rose quartz one, and an amethyst one and they match.

My husband's birthstone is amethyst, and the light pink rose color always made me feel like it represented me, but I didn't really like the purple one (I never ever liked purple lol). 

But it just hit me how maybe it represented him, even back then.  I didn't know why my mom got me the amethyst quartz heart, she knew I hated purple, but perhaps it was prophetic in a way, as now it's precious to me and treasure how they (maybe) represent us both.

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So I looked up the rose quartz and found this:

Rose quartz has been used for emotional and physical healing and as part of unique artifacts and jewelry for thousands of years by cultures all around the world.

Ancient people, including Assyrians and the Romans, were probably some of the first to have used this gem for crafting jewelry around circa 800-600 BCE.

It also has been mentioned in Greek mythology. Specifically, its creation was noted in the story of the goddess Aphrodite and her lover, Adonis. Here, rose quartz is formed as a result of Aphrodite injuring herself on a piece of quartz as she was saving Adonis and their blood mixing; there is also another tale of rose quartz's use by Cupid inspiring other couples to fall in love.

It was also rumored to get associated with beauty and love by the Chinese, Tibetan, and Ancient Egyptian cultures.

Also found qualities that definitely represent my husband in the amethyst!  It's literal translation means, "not intoxicated," and he always avoided alcohol (he drinks a little on occasion now, but very little overall).  He's very calm, balanced and grounded... patient.  He can also see things I can't sometimes, solutions to problems, etc.  How interesting!

The metaphysical properties of Amethyst are calmness, balance, and peace. People also use it to eliminate impatience. Amethyst is one of the relatively few crystals that can be used with the specific purpose of improving intellectual and cerebral thought.

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39 minutes ago, Jibralta said:

Does giving it to him calm him down or something?

I had a hunch and them confirmed it with research online, that allergies cause kids that are more sensitive (autism or sensory processing issues) to have a lot more trouble (behavior wise, in school trying to focus etc) and just made them overall feel awful. And medically it indicated they feel worse than in a normal allergy sickness way.  So it causes more meltdowns.  I'll have to look it up later, but there was a lot of confirmation that my gut feeling was right.  It probably helps with inflammation but I can't remember exactly what I found right now. 

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Something else I figured out recently... how ironic the molecular structure is the Star of David repeating over and over, and then to find out recently my husband is part Jewish (DNA wise).  My mother's Polish relatives were Jews who escaped Poland, both orphaned, they fell in love and married each other... a beautiful story of survival.  But that means we're both part Jewish... DNA in both of us... the quartz Star of David repeating over and over again... how interesting and mystical.

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