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Did I make the right choice blocking this girl?


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I'm going to need lots of advice when it comes to this girl I'm talking to online:

1) She was just engaged in January to someone and they broke off the engagement last month and she is still friends with the guy on social media

2.) Me and her were getting to know each other through messages a couple weeks ago when she told me she just wants to be friends since she was seeing someone. But yesterday she said she's interested in dating me because the guy she was currently seeing wanted nothing to do with her after one date and she got really depressed. I don't know what signals she is sending because I went from "just friends" to "wants to date me" in a matter of a week

3.) And she has a different last name than her Facebook last name when researching her to see if she's worth dating. I don't know if she using a different profile to talk to other guys.


4.)She suffers from bipolar and depression which made me feel guilty about blocking her

Is she worth going on a date with? I don't know why I always question if it's worth going on a date with someone online when I get the opportunity.


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5 minutes ago, Bruinsrock11 said:

1. She was just engaged in January to someone 
2. she told me she just wants to be friends since she was seeing someone.
3. And she has a different last name than her Facebook last name 

4.She suffers from bipolar and depression which made me feel guilty about blocking her
5. I'm talking to online

Every one of these is a red flag. And these are only the ones you can see.

Don't waste your time. Yes, delete and block.

Get on quality dating apps and start talking to healthy, single, local women. Watch out for catfish and scammers.

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No she's not going on a date with because she's very literally just out of a serious relationship and she's on the rebound. Also she doesn't seem that into you but seems like she really doesn't like being single and being alone. She just jumped straight from her ex fiance to a new guy. Then when that guy rejected you, she jumped straight to you. I don't think she probably likes you that much but she needs to have a guy at all times, she can't be single. She doesn't sound mentally or emotionally stable. You don't need to feel guilty just because she has bipolar disorder. She was playing games with you, so you don't need someone like that.

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Block.  This is going nowhere.  

Just the bit of about her being out of an engagement for two months should have been enough for you to stay clear.  That's just one.

 Dude, you need to wake up to red flags.  Do you seek drama and projects?  If you do recognize her as a poor choice, I can't imagine what you would see as a no go.

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ok the title is about blocking, now you are asking if you should date her,


This might be an unpopular opinion, but blocking is for people that you have already broken things off with, and based on the behavior after that you decide to set the boundary and inform them that you don't wish to hear from them AND they persist --- then ok, block them,

But if you are talking to someone one day and then the next day block them without first setting a boundary/ending things or whatever - there is no personal growth on your part.  being able to assert your NO is something that will empower you and help you go forward with being a better chooser. 

I think overall, its not about her -- it was shaky judgement to "talk to someone" to get to know them when they were so fresh out a major relationship.  In otherwords she really didn't "Do" anything.  You will learn as you go, if you let yourself, to not let scattered people in.

I would NOT date her under any circumstance, btw

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6 hours ago, Bruinsrock11 said:

she told me she just wants to be friends since she was seeing someone. But yesterday she said she's interested in dating me because the guy she was currently seeing wanted nothing to do with her after one date and she got really depressed

Oh yay, you're her back up 😕 

You feel guilt? Don't.  She can be very unstable - especially if not medicated. -AVOID.

Why you would even consider a gal who was engaged- and be informed her fiance walked within 2 months.

This is no opportunity - walk, for your own good.

So many 'red flags'.. this is a good time to learn that!

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Where is your self-respect, man?

You're her Plan B, a guy she comes to because her first option doesn't want her. This is not basis for dating, as she's not into you as a person. 

Forget this chick, and yes, block her. There is zero point to continue to allow her access to you.

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