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My current relationship is in a poor state. My BF said he wants a break. This was 3 nights ago. I began crying, assuming it was the end, but he assured me he jsut wanted some space and dosent know what he wants. he concludes that it is nothing with me, it is probably with him. I know i can be very jelous and he doenst like this, but he is the same way! I am affraid that we almost love each other too much, like both of our biggest fears is loosing each other. We fell in love like magic. IT will be 2 years on june 14th, and i dont want the realtionship to end. He left me a message over night while i slept saying "Its hard not talking to you. I know i should'nt say it but 'i love you' " What is this? Does anyone know? If it is so hard not to talk then why are we having this dumb break? What do you folks think?

P.S.- Next time i talk to him i will explain to him what i have learned during this break. I am way too jelous and worried that he will leave me/cheat on me/ and i am bossy and have high standards. i dont like this about me, i want to be nicer to him for both our sakes. We really are made for each other i believe. What do you folks think? And why does he want this "break"? are we over?

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Unless he is some sort of sadist, saying

"Its hard not talking to you. I know i should'nt say it but 'i love you' "


means exactly that - and I doubt that it is over. You have given yourself great advice with this:

Next time i talk to him i will explain to him what i have learned during this break. I am way too jelous and worried that he will leave me/cheat on me/ and i am bossy and have high standards. i dont like this about me, i want to be nicer to him for both our sakes.


Now all you have to do is follow it.

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I wouldn't stress out to much. I think it will all work out in the end. Sometimes people just need time alone to think about things. Just let him know that you understand and you will be waiting for him to come back. But it sounds like you two really do have something.

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Thank you for the feedback, it makes me more confident and ready to speak to him when he calls. He said on the overnight message that he will call me today, so I am going to charm him with my ability to turn a crappy situation into a learning experience. Plus I can "Test the waters" with saying "I have learned alot about myself for my next serious relationship" If he truley doenst want us to be over that might strike him as weird that i am already assuming we are done and he will hopefully speak up. I dont want a "next relationship" I want to be with him until i am a fat old lady!

P.S. This break has also made me more able to deal with him going out with his friends. I thnk less serious would be fine for us. I think this is going to work out! You have filled me with hope!

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"I have learned alot about myself for my next serious relationship" If he truley doenst want us to be over that might strike him as weird that i am already assuming we are done and he will hopefully speak up.

or make him think you don't want to get back together!! Be careful with that one!!


How about "I have learned a lot about myself and relationships" - - less 'in his face' and still leaves open the possibility that you may have another one - with or without him.

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