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Would like some real life long distance advice

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Hi there, I was wanting some REAL life real experiences about long distance relationships and how to make them work. I have been dating my boyfriend for a year and he recently had to go back home to the U.K. I knew this from the beginning, but it doesn't make it any easier. I am hoping that this first bit of time is the worst. Trips have been planned, tickets have been booked to see eachother. I have a couple of years to wait for him. I know I can read those relationship articles and books till I'm blue in the face, but it doesn't compare to the real life advice that you all can give me. Thanks so much for the tips

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It's not going to be easy, but it can be done. Talk as much as you can to him, it doesn't matter if it's via email, phone, letters....whatever, you will find it weird...but you will grow closer because you end up sharing so much and finding out so much about each other. You grow closer emotionally, not physically. The best part about long distance is when you do see each other...those times are ten times greater than you ever could imagine. You have those visits to grow closer physically. You will truly begin to realize how much you love this person and how much you need to be with them. It will hurt to be away from them, but the moment that you are back in each other's arms is priceless. Now don't get me wrong, you may have some moments of weakness...but you will regret doing anything to jeapordize this wonderful relationship. If he really is meant for you and you really do love him, you CAN wait for him and you CAN get through this. Trust me! I wish only the best for you! Good luck with everything!

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i was in a 7yr long distance relationship that i thought was gonna last... it was only a few months ago i ended thing because the problems the distance was causing... i think it could've worked if she was a stronger individual than she was, but she wasn't. she was always sad that she lived so far from me and that she constantly needed someone there to take care of her. she was like that for quite some time... she said she would move back after teh 5th year, but she didn't and teh problems still stayed the same...(if you really want to hear the whole story, just msg me and i'll get in touch somehow).


but in all honesty, i think that long distant relationship are very difficult, but definitely can work if both are ready to work together on it. you both need to be pretty strong individuals for it to last.

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it can last. Just make sure you communicate some how. A phone call once a week, email, letters, whatever. And there has to be TRUST. thats the main thing. I did it for 2 years with one girl, and then another year with another. it's not exactly easy, but once a person has a doubt with the trust factor, it's pretty much all over. So... g'luck. BTW, as far as long distance, it worked out fine, but once we got back together it kinda got messed up. we changed a lot. So, it's actually better if you do a long distance if you don't know the person as much, but close enough to have a relationship and to be able to trust that person.

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