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Do guys like challenges?

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Is that wot guys want?! Thats wot it seems like. Seems to me they want challenges. Do we all just want challenges? Do guys just want wot they cant have? And how do you become a challenge exactly?


I need tips

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I'm not sure one can 'become' a challenge unless you are already taken (or are evasive) and there is someone who wants you...


As far this being something people want?? Well, I think the pursuit of the romance is part of it, but obviously there needs to be much more if it is to last and develop...

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I'm pretty good at this game I've discovered, but it's hard for me to explain for some reason. Basically you let them know you're interested and then let him show interest in you. Don't be at their beckon call because they're your seen as too available. I like to make him work for my attention. However the guy I'm currently interested in has my game figured out. He actually makes me work for his attention! The nerve! I really like this guy for some reason so it is harder to play this game on him because I actually get flustered sometimes. It's really subtle stuff mostly.

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Browse through some of these threads and you will see endless messages from guys asking if a girl is interested, how to ask her out, scared of rejection - some of them never ask anyone out.


For these guys, and there are many, summoning up the courage to ask a girl out is challenge enough - don't make it any harder for them, you may miss out on a good guy.

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I believe that people can take the "being a challange" game a little too serious. The harder you play to get the more people you are going to weed out in the process of meeting people. There are people out there who love to chase, they dont care how long it takes or what they have to do but they will keep up the chase. Others prefer not to play this game. It needs to be a personal decision otherwise you are going to complain about how you dont get guys because you play hard to get or if you make yourself too available that you arent getting the results you want. It needs to be a decision that you are comfortable with. Since you are asking this question Im going to say that in your best interest it wouldnt be beneficial for you to play hard to get. Show your interest with the particular person you are interested in but you dont want to take it overboard, eventually you will settle in where you feel comfortable.

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Love, dating, relationships, flirting.... it shouldn't be a challenge. It should come natural and be easy. Most problems come from the fact that people think it has to be hard when it doesn't. Be yourself and let things happen naturally. No point in being challenging and causing unnecessay problems or confusion.


Best flirting is when you don't even notice its happening. More you try, worse it comes out.

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Love, dating, relationships, flirting.... it shouldn't be a challenge. It should come natural and be easy. Most problems come from the fact that people think it has to be hard when it doesn't. Be yourself and let things happen naturally. No point in being challenging and causing unnecessay problems or confusion.


Best flirting is when you don't even notice its happening. More you try, worse it comes out.


I agree with this. It's all very well for confident guys who have no problems finding dates to say they like a bit of a challenge - but for shy guys it's a very different story.

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i'd say it depends how hot the girl is. i.e, nobody is going to miss the chance with a 9/10 because she is too easy (lol) within reason, but otoh playing a few games like disinterest would help a 6


I disagree somewhat on this point.... I have dated a couple 9/10's, and let me tell you, at least in my experience, they are not 'easy' to 'get.' Not all, obviously, but it seems like a lot anyway, a lot of the 'hot' women out there have very low self esteems. I have seen very, very beautiful women never realize just how 'hot' they were because of past relationships, etc...


In my experience, these girls did love the 'chasing' aspect of it. As mentioned before though, one of them loved it a little 'too' much and it became very frustrating... You never know if you are coming or going with someone who likes to play the game 'too' much...

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Ok, if your rating girls on their degree of "hotness" then your missing the point. There's no consenus of what a 10 is compared to a 7. Someone you may consider a 10 I'll find completely unattractive and vice versa. And women deserve more respect then to be looked at as a number on a scale, compared to other women. Appreciate her for the individual she is.


If you ask me the most attractive people are the ones who don't even know they are beautiful. It's not the classic beauties, its the ordinary girls with the big hearts who don't try to be beautiful or who don't think they are. They are real, sincere, and caring.




How do you know the so called confident guys really do like the challenge or that they are only saying it to maintain their image? They would probably be just as relieved to find someone who says what she means and doesn't play games. Now that I think about it, that would probably be the biggest challenge a guy like that would face. They are used to the challenge of games, they are not used to being open, honest, and straightforward.

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How do you know the so called confident guys really do like the challenge or that they are only saying it to maintain their image? They would probably be just as relieved to find someone who says what she means and doesn't play games. Now that I think about it, that would probably be the biggest challenge a guy like that would face. They are used to the challenge of games, they are not used to being open, honest, and straightforward.


I am sure there are 'confident' guys as you describe. But I am equally sure there are guys that have no problem getting many dates and like the challenge and also guys who get as many or more by ignoring the 'challenging' girls who waste their time and go for the girls who encourage them.


My advice to the girls looking for a date/relationship is to be honest and open and not play games. The odds are better that you will attract someone and be able to maintain a good relationship. Many guys who like a challenge are bored when they succeed and look for the next challenge.

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