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Tips for having a second 'virtual' date during quarantine


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So I've been talking to this woman on a dating app for last two and a half weeks. We switched numbers and then had a 'video call' date (thanks to the corinavirus) on the Saturday just gone. It went well, we spoke about ourselves and our likes, laughed and drank, all while seeing each other on a laptop screen. Lasted for 4 hours so I can't complain. We quickly arranged a second one which is tomorrow evening, another 'video call' date (yet again, thanks coronavirus). We text about two or three times a day.


I've dated a lot in my time, and have always been comfortable on dates which ever number it is, 1st, 2nd date, 3rd and so on. But what should I expect from my second 'video call' date? As its video, the touch barrier can't be broken, same with a kiss or a hug, so I'm just looking for advice on how I could progress things in a natural way?

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Just expect it to be another video call date but I wouldn't let it go on for so long. Appreciate the time together and maybe set an in-person meet up. Don't get hooked to the online or video aspect of things. Make plans to transition to in-person time. Is this long distance in any way?


I'm also curious why it's not possible to meet for a lunch for example and still maintain social distancing. Restrictions are being lowered for example in Canada and some provinces are moving into Phase 2 and 3 of reopening the economy. I'm not sure where you are located though.


Meet ups should be dependent on how confident the both of you are in meeting up in the first place. Best to be respectful as different individuals may have different ideas about what's safe or not.

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