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ok, i have a LITTLE problem. ive been working at my job for 5 months now and i met a really cute guy there. we got to talking and within a week we were dating. Now, chris is 5 years older than me so hes in college and every one i know is fine with that. but thats not my problem. he is in school to be a teacher and is now my student teacher! alot of people knew he was my boyfriend before but now its so awkward because i have to call my boyfriend mr. roberts. and its not like i can tell him to go to another school, this is a good oppurtunity and its where his college has signed him up to teach way before he met me. so, i dont know what i should do, i dont want this to come between us. should i say something to my boyyfriend? should we stop seeing eachother while hes my teacher? please dont judge me because of the age difference, cause some people do and thats not the problem here. if any one has any ideas, id appreciate it.

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This is simar to an early post made by someone who has a crush on her teacher.


The fact that you're dating him makes it different. For you it may be a great thing but for him, he has a responsibility as an adult & to understand he's working. Like I mentioned in the other thread most schools will probably prohibit such relationship but that's beside the point.


Do keep it professional & discreet for him if you two are going to be serious. The last thing you want is for both of you to act like couples & him losing a job.

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Yeah I wouldn't let it bother you- now her can help you with your homework and warn you of pop quizzes- no but on a serious note, you two were together before he became your student teacher, so yes it is ok for you to continue dating him. Just keep the school work in school and the relationship at home.

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watch the wandering eyes while in class lol 8)


i would kill to date a few of the student teachers that come through my area...maaaaaaan those are some good lookin girls. Got the librarian look to them as well, low cut business suits, thin-rimmed glasses, hair pulled back with bangs hanging over their eyes...


please give me a DT so i can get to know you better miss (insert name here)



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Ok, so, normally, I am very anti-student-teacher relationships. However, you two were dating beforehand, so I think it's ok. However, there are a couple of things you need to do. KEEP IT ON THE DL! Seriously. It would be bad if it looked like he was favoring you or giving you answers to exams and homework. Don't talk about your relationship with your friends. Be 100% professional at school. When he is your student teacher, don't even look at him in "that way." Don't hug him or touch him. Just call him Mr. Roberts.


I think that it will be ok - he won't be your teacher forever. Good luck!

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Agreed with Annie here,


His professional intergrity is on the line, so no funny business! Also, if he helps you a little too much you can get in some serious trouble too.


Keep it on the DL and be professional, outside of class you can do all the things that are inappropriate in class!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also agree with Annie.

You were dating before hand so it's fine. Besides 5 years isn't a big gap. My gap is 11 and I don't even think about it as a problem. Just make sure you keep it professional in school.

If you do need helping more than useral you can always ask him to help you out side college so he doesn't get told off for you being his favorite at school.



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  • 3 weeks later...

hey there,


This is simar to an early post made by someone who has a crush on her teacher


this could possibly be me because I have a crush on my teacher too, the unforyunate thing for me is, is that he's not my boyfriends to begin with.


However what does he feel on the situation? I'm not sure but are teacher student and student relationship allowed? I'm just asking as their only there for a year or so.


Anyway, I hope things work out well for you



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I'm not sure of the rules in NY, but I think there could be a bit of a problem. I realized that he got his posting set up before he met you, but didn't it ever connect with him that you go to abc high school and he was student teaching at abc high school and who is your math teacher?


Is this something going on NOW or will it be starting in the fall (it's late in the school year). Temporary or full year/term? If he's going to be your student teacher for more than a few weeks.... it is YOUR responsibility to try to switch classes.


There are legal issues at play, and if you truly care for him you will make things are easy as possible. He could truly loose his job/licence/career if its discovered that he's dating a student. Considering he hasn't even started his career yet... that's a lot to put on the line. AND you're UNDERAGE!!! I didn't notice that right away! If it's discovered that you're dating, (especially if you are intimate) his career is OVER.... swap classes.

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