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Ok, so my gf broke up with me a month ago. Since she broke up with me, she has been coming back slowly one day at a time. Then all of a sudden, her friends tell her something bad about our relationship and she backs off. Last week she was talking to me every second I was online, and she was pulling the whole Im bored routine...and have nothing to do. Then that weekend we both visited our college, and she called me as soon as she got there, and played up the hey what are you doing....maybe well see each other. Needless to say after that I didnt talk to her for a few hours and I find out that she stoped by my house, then went looking for me at the bar, then called me again to see what I was doing. I answered and just told her i was going to sleep. The following night we didnt talk. Sunday night, as soon as I signed on, she started talking to me, we talked for a few minutes then she signed off. The following day, I IMed her and told her that I wanted to see her this weekend but got thouhgt it was a bad weekend for us to hang out so I asked her out to lunch. She agreed but we did not set a date. A few days go by and I start to realize that this girl thought I was playing games with her that night she wanted to see me and I didnt. I would be annoyed myself. So i decide to call her and tell her that Im sorry, and that I didnt mean for it to work out the way it did, and she laughs and tells me that she didnt want to see me. I shoulda said why did you call me, then stop by and look gor me if you didnt want to see me, but I did not. She told me that she didnt want to see me, which I knew was not true. So anyway Im in her area the following night, and I think that it is a win win situation if i call her to hang out. She does not answer her phone so i left a message. Then the next day she starts IMing me hey, how was your night, I know you were by me. So I tell her what I did, and she pulls the whole I gotta go routine. And I havent heard from her since. What should I do, Ive been trying the NC thing, but Im not sure if the ball is in my ballpark wheather I should say something to her about us. what to do?

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Dude,,, She is palyinh mind games with you ... she want to make you weak and come over you.. so dont let her do that.. Tell her staright forward that I give you 3 days and think abt the relationship and lemme know what is your plans.. and then go on NC.. total out.


Let your self worth something near her.. dont loose your dignity..


take care..


Good Luck..

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Dont even give her the time of day, i will be anything she has a guy and everytime it looks rocky she will talk to you and want you, i think its bull..can i cuss on here? lol anyways, its gay, donty even give her the 3days, she isnt worth it! Thats total BULL! her lil game is f'd up, dont let her get to you your better then all of that!

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Yep, I agree with the other posters. It's all mind games, and it will drive you crazy if you allow it. Go into NO CONTACT mode with her now (dont answer her calls, etc) and get on with your own life. She has no respect for your feelings and is only thinking about herself. This isn't fair to you. You are better than that and deserve much more.


Also keep in mind that the anxiety and stress she causes you by playing these games can cause heart disease, high blood pressure and a host of other problems that can kill you at a young age. Think of yourself and your health here. Avoid her games!

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Never allow people to play games with you - especially if they treat you as if you are the ball and they are the bat.


I agree no contact - get over her and find someone who won't hurt you as she has done and is doing.

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