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Wife had another mans baby. Need advice, going insane

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Last week things started to calm down and I started to to discuss this all with her and she told me she wanted to get help and counseling and that we would take it from there. She went out drinking this last Saturday and disappeared for the night. I was going to get gas and cigarettes Sunday morning and saw her walking down the street with the guy that she had the affair with.


Common sense would say to let it go but there must be some sort of animal instinct in men that says otherwise so I proceeded to spin my car around and I was attempting to jump out of the car and since there were maybe only 20 yards from his house they took off running inside and locked the door on me. I proceeded to go over to the door and yell all sorts of profanity's. I was so mad because just this last week she told me she wanted counseling and was going to stop seeing this guy. We agreed last week that we would make a decision about divorce after the counseling and I feel like she just threw it all out the door.


Yesterday night she tried to kick me out of the house but I told her I couldn't just leave with nothing as I have so many of my possessions in the house and I really had no where to go. I told her that wasn't fair to toss me out after everything she has done to me and the whole time I am the one working and paying all of the bills. my worst fear is that I will leave with no where to go and then still pay the rent for her and her no good trailer trash boyfriend who doesn't even work will lay up in my place on my dime.


That just doesn't seem right and I the "animal" instinct in a man tells him to fight to defend his territory. It is weird but look at what animals like lions do. They fight each other to the death to defend their territory and woman. I think that is why things are so diffucult for us humans in the 21st century since we are programmed for this behavior as well but our civilization uses law to try to supercede our animal nature.


I will send another update shortly.

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OMG, I'm sorry to say that just talking to her isn't going to work. If she's ever going to change her ways you need to show her that you will backup your words with action. It's time to file for divorce. Maybe then, maybe, she'll realize that she can't treat you this way.


You've put up with more than any human being ever should and I have to admire your devotion to your wife, but if she only rewards your trust and faith in her by continuing to see this guy, it's time to start letting go.


And about leaving with nothing... You didn't do this, anything that happens from here on in is what she brought onto herself. You might be left with nothing but since she was the wrong party here I doubt that you'll be left with nothing. You'll all have to decide what to do about the baby. This would be so much more easier if it weren't for the baby.

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Dude, kick her cheating behind out. You know what to do man, so do it.


You are right about the lions, but that other guy isnt a lion; he is a jackal that is stealing another mans "prey" so to speak.


Forget counseling and get the divorce as soon as possible.

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Start to keep a diary of everything that goes on. See a lawyer now. Do not under any circumstance agree to leave the house. You may eventually get it back (leaving in know way relinquishes your right to ownership) but it could take years to get sorted and in the meantime possession is 9 tenths of the law.


You need to act quickly to secure your financial security. Get a caveat on the property, close any joint bank accounts, reduce or cut off any supply of funds from you to her. Maintain payments on the house and associated utilities.

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She has no right to kick you out, you are paying the bills on the house, if anything you can kick her out.


I agree with the others that you need to contact a lawyer ASAP. She is not interested in repairing your marriage. She cares only about herself and not the children and husband she is hurting with her selfish acts.


Kick her out and contact your lawyer ASAP!

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How can u fall in love with some stranger who raped you? That's just plain ridiculous.

There's only 2 options; either u tell ur husband straightaway or keep the story to urself.


There's no such thing as confronting the rapist & getting to know him better. Your wife was having an affair with him all along.


U know what I think? I think she's trying to walk out of the marriage but she didn't have the guts to do so. She's expecting YOU to do the dirty work so she won't be blamed or responsibled for any of it.

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Kick her out, and don't contact her again except for legal issues. She is a horrible person to be having an affair. Lying is bad enough, but lying about being raped is horrible.


The most consistently importang thing in this world is time, and right now she is wasting your time. Stay in the house, kick her out, ASAP.

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On what grounds does she have the right to kick you out of the house? Whose name is the house in? I agree with a lot of the advice given so far.


SEE A LAWYER! Speak with the lawyer about what you can legally do with the living arrangement first and foremost. If you can leave her stuff on the curb, and kick her @$$ out alongside with it - then by all means, do so! Once you have her out of the house and away from you, you can start going through the motions with divorce. Sueng her lover for alienation of affections as previously mentioned might also be a good idea.


I can only imagine how this must be making you feel, but your wife is a serial liar and there is no chance of you salvaging your marrige with her. She's the cheater, and she obviously has nothing against kicking YOU to the curb, as she's already tried to do so. You need to talk to that lawyer ASAP!

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is it just me..? or does it sound like ur about to do something u may regret to the other man? this talk about animal instincts and such......




1.) please.. do keep us updated

2.) let us know what ur lawyer says

3.) with all due respect.. grow some balls! that way.. a woman who truly deserves a man like u can have them..rather than this other woman u married

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