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I know it has something to do with aspartane...but I usually have 0-2 a day (it's usu only 1 though).

Why is it bad to drink one if you are trying to lose weight? I don't mean as to replace a meal, but say if I have a small lunch then I'll have a diet soda.

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Well I don't think that it's as bad for you as a lot of people would have us believe. IT seems like nowadays everything is bad for you...


In regards to diet soda and dieting...I think diet sod alike most sodas can make you bloated...diet soda also has a way of making you feel like you want to eat more even when you aren't really hungry.

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Aspartame can degrade into toxins that the body was not designed to eliminate properly. There is suspicion that this can lead to cancer and other problems.


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The makers of Nutrasweet™ refute these claims of course, but why take a chance with your health?


They claim that aspartame is comprised of compounds found in natural food (in small amounts), but ignore the possibility that large quantities of these compounds on their own may cause disorder in the body.


I'd suggest that if you need to cut back on sugar, that you cut out soda completely rather than switch to use of potentially toxic sweeteners.

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it's not horrible for you but it really isn't good for you. I know this because Im diabetic and can't have sugar so If im gonna drink soda it has to be diet, and the DR.s reccomend just not drinking it at all because of the aspertain, it's like artifical sweetner. If you drink diet soda make sure it is made with splenda (all splenda is is sugar your body wont absorb,) tastes a lil different, but better then just diet soda and easy to find, every where has it, just go to the soda Isel and find the soda with the word spenda in it, they make name brands with it too. so if you can't find it just as the sales clerk or someone.

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If you are trying to diet then I would avoid soda altogether. Instead drink water, iced tea etc. Limit your fruit juices becuase they arent in better than soda when it comes sugar content. Many things can be said to be bad for you, it all depends on the circumstance and you have to look at who funded the study, it wouldnt make much since for a holistic medicine website to support the use of aspartame, for example.

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Many things can be said to be bad for you, it all depends on the circumstance and you have to look at who funded the study, it wouldnt make much since for a holistic medicine website to support the use of aspartame, for example.


It all comes down to who profits.


Holistic medicine doesn't make more profit if you drink regular soda, or water instead of diet-soda... but NutraSweet™ does profit if you drink diet soda. They own the patent on aspartame.


A recent university study reportedly "disproved" that people suffer headaches from aspartame... which is pretty funny because I have always gotten headaches (and nausea) from diet pop, and I know of many other people that do as well. I would like to participate in such a study.


I have a theory about artificial sweeteners... and the recent onset of products containing 1/3rd the sugar of the original, plus some artificial sweetener to compensate supports this:


My theory is that when you consume a completely artificially sweetened product (especially one devoid of other caloric components -- so a "less than one calorie" soda), you brain is fooled (via the taste buds) into believing that you are about to receive about 150 calories of pure, ready to burn energy... when in fact you're receiving none.


I'm not sure what exactly goes on in your brain in anticipation... perhaps the release of certain brain chemicals, perhaps the abandonment of the current conversion of stored fats into energy, but I figure what comes along is a deficit of energy due to a falsely expected surplus.


This deficit (or possibly an abundance of unusable brain chemicals) may cause the resulting headache or nausea in some people.

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If you are trying to diet then I would avoid soda altogether. Instead drink water, iced tea etc. Limit your fruit juices becuase they arent in better than soda when it comes sugar content. Many things can be said to be bad for you, it all depends on the circumstance and you have to look at who funded the study, it wouldnt make much since for a holistic medicine website to support the use of aspartame, for example.


If you like the buzz you get from carbonated drinks try Perrier water. Just don't sneeze when you drink it - it makes the dog bark and takes a while to clean up the mess.


Yes, I did.

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as someone who consumes a gratuitous amount of diet coke I can tell you that it's prolly not the best thing to get hooked on.


I don't know why it's no good for if you're dieting, for me it makes me feel full, so I am not real hungry. Secondly caffene is a mild stimulant, which will get you jittery and make your metabolism a little higher, since it'll increase your heart rate, and it's a diuretic which will make you tinkle more. (*Takes a good long slug of her drink o' choice)

NOW HEAR THIS: I am not saying it's a good method for dieting, if you look at it another way, Caffene is like diet pills: Dexotrim and the like. It won't make you lose REAL weight, it'll make you pee more. Yes, for me it makes me feel full, but recently I have really cracked down and am drinking more water than soda. It's great, you finish a 20 oz bottle of DC and fill 'er up with water. I have cut down a LOT, and it does me real good. Outside of the whole aspertame thing, caffene will dehydrate you, and make your skin look all bad and stuff, and you'll get HUNGRY: yes, when you get dehydrated, often times your body will send signals to your brain saying "tell her she's hungry so that she'll eat something that might have water content in it...PLEASE!!!"


And the last segment of my tangent is the unpleasantries of caffene deficiancy: you get cranky, tired and ya get a nice little headache. So to sum this up: moderation. That's the key.

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  • 2 weeks later...

its bad because the sugar substitute, Aspartame, in some cases increases appetite, which defeats the entire purpose of drinking a diet drink. also symptoms such as spasms, shooting pains, numbness of the legs, cramps, vertigo, seizures, dizziness, headaches, ringing in the ears, joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision and memory loss were sighted in conjunction with aspartame consumption. And some doctors believe that methanol poisoning from aspartame mimics multiple sclerosis.



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