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Am I asking too much?


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You're not asking too much in a general sense. You ARE asking for something this guy just hasn't got to give, and never will. So you have a choice - look at the relationship as a whole, and ask yourself if the good parts outweigh the disappointments. If they do, stop giving this guy gifts and paying for him; that probably doesn't mean that much to him, and is causing resentment in you.


If they don't, and there are more bad feelings than good, you can either move on and find someone whose values chime with yours, or accept that this is the way it's going to be and make the most of an unhappy situation.


I know what I'd do.

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While I'm not a flowers and chocolates kind of person, I wouldn't be interested in someone who doesn't earn enough money to support any interests beyond his car. That's too 'age 17' for me, so rather than stick around to be upset about him, I'd leave him to go polish his rims, and I'd find someone who's more into ME.

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Stop overdoing it, overspending and over purchasing things. It's not really a gift if you expect that he is supposed to keep up with your overdoing it. In fact maybe his message is "stop!". You should take his lead and simply say happy birthday or a simple card. You're creating the problem for yourself, he isn't.


Stop trying to buy affection, change people, expect people to have your materialistic values etc. In fact it's suffocating and rude to obligate people with constant gifts.

I went all out with his. I even returned the watch I had already purchased for him so I could purchase the one he told me he actually liked.


I buy him things spontaneously when I have the money because I find things that remind me of him or that I know he likes; they make me think of him.

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