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More curious than anything but I went to my ex's house last night to hang out for the first time since we broke up 4 months ago.


We had been low contact to no contact at points but we met up on friendly terms.


I went to use the facilities in her bedroom. When I came out, I saw the letter I had set to her asking her to get back together after we first broke up. I could tell because I wrote it on orange paper. To verify I went over and saw it really was the letter, next to the promise ring I gave her.


I will be the first to admit I was wrong for not just going in and going back out. We enjoyed the rest of the night. Nothing happened romantically and I'm ok with that. I'm just curious and wanted to know if people who are thinking about reconciling keep love letters from their ex?

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Was she the dumper? Why did you break up? A break up is not always a clean cut process. Having these items still at plain sight may indicate some residual feelings on her part or it could be random. Trying to decipher it is pointless. If the reasons that broke you up still stand, some sentimental reminiscing will not make a difference at the end of the day. The fact that she may be reminiscing the "good old days" is by no means a dependable indicator of getting black together.

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