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Idk what to do

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Its so hard.. I haven't ate in 2 days and i don't have a appetite. I feel betrayed, lied to and used. 4years of my life... just to find out through another female been having the time of her life with my "man". Crap HURTS


He tried to block her off my phone so i wouldn't know

He's lying when i ask him questions (far as i feel)

He sends one or two texts a day saying he's sorry wanna marry me and he was in a bad stage in his life because family issues and we weren't together for 2 months plus BUT when we were together you still carried on with her

Its just really messed up how i found out and i go through things with my vagina and I'm sitting here like "Ok when was your conscious gonna keep in if you see my in pain and itching to say hey we need to talk"

I wanna meet up and talk but at the same time i feel its still fresh (2days ago) and whats really the point?

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This is not necessarily an STD. Could be due to your general health or hygiene habits. What did your doctor say? Also why would he have to hold your hand at the doctors office for this? What's he supposed to say? Most women handle this privately. So no STD a but a lot of drama, blaming, etc?

Yeast infections.. never caught anything else.He's there with me when I'm in pain going to the doctor and never said anything.
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I have had this happen to me. My advice is no matter what YOU HAVE TO LOVE YOURSELF MORE. Even if it kills you. Even if its the hardest thing youve ever done. A man that doesnt value you... will not value you if you allow him to treat you in such a disrespectful manner. Love yourself by removing yourself. If a man has to choose between you and another woman PRAY he chooses her.... because he needs to learn first hand what it is and who it is he missed out on. Dont compete and dont compare yourself to her. Because it is EXTREMELY unhealthy. He'll come crawling back like the snake he is because men like that cant handle rejection. And by the time that happens you wont care. When you value yourself the people around you have no choice but to do the same. Its going to be hard, its going to hurt, but trust me when I say that is the best possible choice for you... because loving you is always the best choice for you. Godspeed, you deserve happiness force yourself to get it.

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