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Quick backstory. I am a 24 year old male who met a 37 year old woman online andWe have great chemistry and get along very well. And really like each other. She is talking too me and another guy who's older than her i think 45 and its gotten more serious. Im very torn on what to do? She would like to remain friends and wants to have dinner and on one hand i really like her and would be ok with being friends and its hard for me to be jeoulous of a 45 year old. On the other hand i feel as though its just a not a healthy position to be in?


Whats the best approach to take? Stop getting back to her cease contact and back away? Call or text her why with a long drawn out reasoning which could lead to a lengthy back and forth. Or just back away and give her space but still remain in contact? Or just continue being friends and see what happens and continue to pursue other woman? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks

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A decent woman with good ethics who is beginning to become serious with one man doesn't have dinner with another man who has a crush on her. Feeding her ego is more important than doing right by her new man. How would she feel if her new man was going out to dinner with a woman who had a crush on him? If she ended up dating you, why wouldn't she then also meet up with a different guy who had a crush? She showing you who she is, so believe her.


You are doing yourself a disservice by going to dinner with a taken woman, and you'd also be ethically wrong in doing so.


Engaging in morally wrong acts NEVER turns out positively. Cut off all contact and stick to dating single women. It's also wiser to stick to someone in your same life stage for a less riskier failure rate. Learn how to see red flags and avoid them in people, and look at your own ethics and see if they need improvement, since friendship with a taken person when you desire them is crossing boundaries.

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