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I miss my ex boyfriend but he says he’s been moving on?

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I really miss my ex and he says he doesn’t want to talk about “us” anymore and that all of his stuck in love posts were about me(cause I didn’t know), but he’s been moving on? I’m not sure how to heal and move on cause I really miss him.


Do not talk to him anymore. That's the best way to start to move on

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First step in moving in is accepting that it is over. Reality is that he has moved on from the relationship and he is on another path. Also note that you are going to be okay. You will be happy again and you will meet someone else. I know that it hurts and I know that you are going to be lost. But know that this break up is a good thing for you. You have room in your heart for someone that wants to be in your life. Your X doesn't want to be in yours anymore and that's okay, someone else will come into your life.


The break up has no fault, no blame, no guilt, it just didn't work. Im sorry.


Turn that focus around from your X to you and make you happy. I promise someone else will come into your life who will make you happy.

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If someone tells you directly that they are moving on, believe them. Work on moving on yourself by cutting contact. Leaving the door open to contradictory messages will just mess with your head and keep you tethered to someone who doesn't want to commit to being with you.

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