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Found some hope. Do I fight for her?


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Basically I was with my ex-girlfriend for just over a year. Things went pretty dry at the end. I kind of pulled myself away from the relationship a bit, wasn't paying attention that sort of thing. My actions or lack of actions rather, pushed her to use Tinder again. I found out about this and without questioning I ended the relationship. During the process of breaking up with her, she explained why she did what she did and I wasn't having any of it. I was furious.


We split up and I went back on Tinder... A few weeks later we matched on the app and spoke for a short while. Basically catching up. A week or so later I received a message saying 'I miss you' ... I didn't reply as I was still angry at what happened.


Fast forward 6 months and one night I had a massive urge to contact her due to missing her. I don't know where it came from but it was like an epiphany almost. I added her on Snapchat and she accepted. We caught up again and randomly killed the conversation off with blunt replies. I managed to track her address down and had a few gifts sent to her address with a note and my number attached.


She deleted my number so I received a text asking who it was etc... She didn't seem impressed and the last thing she said was 'it's a bit random after 6 months, I really don't know what to say' I replied and no answer from her.


A few nights later I sent her another message when I was drunk saying 'Not going to reply then no?' and again that was ignored.


The weird thing is that she's kept me on Snapchat...


Now I've forgiven her for what happened to cause the break up and I miss her a lot. I love her and I'm trying to figure out if I have a chance to try and get her back. Not straight away of course but even to start meeting each other again.


What do you think is the best course of action for me to take? Do I remain NC and keep updating my snapchat in hopes she will see something that will remind her of the good times or do I just go for it and lay it all out there?


Thanks for reading...

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Why are you trying to get back with a cheater?!?


I get that you checked out of the relationship. But nothing made her go on Tinder. The appropriate response to that would have been for her to have a conversation with you about it or even break up with you about it. Not be a lying deceptive cheater about it...


How could you ever trust that if the relationship went sideways again, she wouldn’t just start cheating again??


I get that you are sad. I get that you miss her. But under no circumstances should you be chasing after a cheater. She’s not even sorry and chasing you!


I’m sorry - I know it’s not what you want to hear - but I think that you would be better to focus your energies on finding someone new. There is only hurt behind the door you are chasing...

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I don't see where the hope is coming from. She was barely responsive to your attempts to reach out. Just because she didn't go out of her way to delete you off Snapchat doesn't mean anything. Why, after 6 months of silence, are you so concerned with getting her back? Be careful of seeing the past through rose-tinted glasses. Your ex was trying to cheat on you even if she didn't actually get a chance to before you found out she returned to a dating website. Best to leave her and that relationship in the past.

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Basically I was with my ex-girlfriend for just over a year. Things went pretty dry at the end. I kind of pulled myself away from the relationship a bit, wasn't paying attention that sort of thing. My actions or lack of actions rather, pushed her to use Tinder again. I found out about this and without questioning I ended the relationship. During the process of breaking up with her, she explained why she did what she did and I wasn't having any of it. I was furious.


We split up and I went back on Tinder... A few weeks later we matched on the app and spoke for a short while. Basically catching up. A week or so later I received a message saying 'I miss you' ... I didn't reply as I was still angry at what happened.


Fast forward 6 months and one night I had a massive urge to contact her due to missing her. I don't know where it came from but it was like an epiphany almost. I added her on Snapchat and she accepted. We caught up again and randomly killed the conversation off with blunt replies. I managed to track her address down and had a few gifts sent to her address with a note and my number attached.


She deleted my number so I received a text asking who it was etc... She didn't seem impressed and the last thing she said was 'it's a bit random after 6 months, I really don't know what to say' I replied and no answer from her.


A few nights later I sent her another message when I was drunk saying 'Not going to reply then no?' and again that was ignored.


The weird thing is that she's kept me on Snapchat...


Now I've forgiven her for what happened to cause the break up and I miss her a lot. I love her and I'm trying to figure out if I have a chance to try and get her back. Not straight away of course but even to start meeting each other again.


What do you think is the best course of action for me to take? Do I remain NC and keep updating my snapchat in hopes she will see something that will remind her of the good times or do I just go for it and lay it all out there?


Thanks for reading...


I know the majority of people are going to say get over her & she is not worth it. That is more than likely the case, but I know that is not what you are asking, so I'm going to give you my best advice on how to get her back. I wouldn't just jump back into hitting her up out of the blue and trying to pour your heart out to her. Instead I like your idea of keeping your snap up to date. Show yourself out with your friends having fun, post good pictures of yourself, and even post something from a favorite place or favorite activity of your exes. Now while that may not 100% get her to reach out to you first, it will at least show you have a life outside of her & she will miss you more. In addition I would take advantage of her snapchat & see if she posts any interesting stories. If she posts a picture in which shes looks good, tell her how beautiful she is (don't comment on every story she posts). If she is doing an activity you both enjoyed snap her and say "remember that time we blah blah blah" and you will definitely plant a seed in her mind & make her miss you at least a bit. Once you guys are back on friendly speaking terms, then you can get more into the emotional aspect of your feelings for her. Hope this helps.

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I know the majority of people are going to say get over her & she is not worth it. That is more than likely the case, but I know that is not what you are asking, so I'm going to give you my best advice on how to get her back. I wouldn't just jump back into hitting her up out of the blue and trying to pour your heart out to her. Instead I like your idea of keeping your snap up to date. Show yourself out with your friends having fun, post good pictures of yourself, and even post something from a favorite place or favorite activity of your exes. Now while that may not 100% get her to reach out to you first, it will at least show you have a life outside of her & she will miss you more. In addition I would take advantage of her snapchat & see if she posts any interesting stories. If she posts a picture in which shes looks good, tell her how beautiful she is (don't comment on every story she posts). If she is doing an activity you both enjoyed snap her and say "remember that time we blah blah blah" and you will definitely plant a seed in her mind & make her miss you at least a bit. Once you guys are back on friendly speaking terms, then you can get more into the emotional aspect of your feelings for her. Hope this helps.


I agree with this poster! As a woman, it would drive me a little crazy, thinking he's already over me.

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