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Scared and lonely 7 months post breakup

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I feel very lonely and scared. Im afraid my friends will abandom me. And I am scared of making new friends and getting rejected. Needless to say Im also too scared to date. Im also scared of becoming a lonely person with no social life or love life... Im simply scared.. frequently

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Is it al possible for you to get some sessions in with a psychologist?


Being hurt sucks but you can’t have close connections with people without opening yourself up to the possibility of rejection.

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OP: I remember listening to this guy talk about the fear of rejection. He put it quite succinctly:


"Imagine people, older people for example, that have just days to live and they know it. They literally have hours to go. How badly would they feel about taking a risk and being rejected or would they feel worse about knowing death is imminent?"


He made the point that nobody likes being rejected, everyone fears it and doesnt want it, but, it is part of life. Rather than look back in many years with regrets concerning the chances you chose to not take, you can look back and smile because you took that chance.


There is a book I have read a few times in the past few weeks as well:


"Feel the fear and do it anyway" by Susan Jeffers. I STRONGLY recommend you check this out. It gives practices and training to overcome the exact situation you are describing.


Whilst I can sense you are struggling, take a deep breath and try to not allow your mind make you a prisoner. Take control of it.

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Having read your previous threads, I think it's time to seek a good counselor.


I mean that in kindness. You're evidently struggling a lot and your fears are going to debilitate you. A qualified and experienced professional could give you some coping strategies to deal with that, and help you along as you navigate this new phase of your life.

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You'll feel better with experience, especially more positive experiences. Join some LGBT support groups who can share the intricate dynamics of relationships with you. When you are ready, get on some dating apps and start talking to other girls.

Im actually very young. This was my first relationship.
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I feel what your feeling , I feel left alone . It is 5 months post breakup and I am definitely not recovered and I feel like I always have to be around friends and family not to have this empty lost feeling . I never had this problem before this breakup .


Everybody keeps saying time will help so maybe. Also I am getting counseling so that might help .

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