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Do I keep with no contact?


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My story is in my previous threads but basically we broke up nearly 5 months ago, not a lot of contact only on nights out as he is best friends with my best friends. He broke up with me because of lack of spark etc. we slept together nearly three weeks ago, and he didn’t make contact after wards.


The other day I was at home and out with my friends, he was there too. I think he may have seen me get with another guy, and later on I saw him get with another girl. The next day I spent the day out with my friends and he was there, had a huge hickey on his neck. As he got drunker he got louder and while I was sitting right next to him he starts chatting about his hickey and all the girls he’s been with etc. he wouldn’t leave my friends alone taking pictures and dancing with everyone but wouldn’t even say hello to me, although I did feel he was looking at me I never made eye contact. I don’t know if he did this on purpose or if he doesn’t even care enough to do that. I haven’t reached out to him because I don’t want to be hurt again in case he tells me that sleeping together was a mistake etc. I rang my parents in tears to come get me eventually because I just felt so excluded and I couldn’t be with my friends cause he was there (our friend group was always really close so it’s really hard now we’re broken up).


I rang another close friend of mine and she said that the month of December (after we kissed)my ex was telling his friends that he thought we would get back together. This angered me as it was As if he thought some divine intervention would make it happen, and not from him actually reaching out!


Now I want to know should I reach out to him? Maybe he would be open to a reconciliation but is afraid of rejection? I don’t want to live wondering what would have happened if I’d put my pride aside, but I also can’t go through getting hurt again as he really has been quite awful to me. Thanks for your replies in advance!


Would also like to add I’m going to America for two months at the end of may which is why I feel some time pressure to know once and for all what he wants, as I’m sure he will forget all about it once I go away.

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i would not reach out at all.


a loot of these actions are games and stupid things we all do when we are young. I'm guessing youre young! lol


you do see him as, you share friends... so why give him the ego boost?


he's been a putz! don't sink to his level. keep doing you.

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i would not reach out at all.


a loot of these actions are games and stupid things we all do when we are young. I'm guessing youre young! lol


you do see him as, you share friends... so why give him the ego boost?


he's been a putz! don't sink to his level. keep doing you.


Haha that made me laugh! Thanks for the reply, I’m going to stay away from him :)

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If he was honest about getting back with you, he wouldn't act like a total jerk, intentionally trying to hurt or upset you.


IMO he doesn't deserve to be with you. Once you get that perspective, you will be able to move on without any doubt.


That’s very sweet of you, I realise you’re right just needed someone to drill it in, thanks for doing that!

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He was involved with his ex and made the friends a priority. Do you want to return to a situation where someone does not value you?


Apparently the ex was never a factor, he was just stupid enough to let it look like she was. You’re advice is bang on though, letting that man go!

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Go on your vacation, enjoy your freedom, have fun and don't give this d bag another thought. He so doesn't deserve you and you totally deserve better. Why even try to burden yourself before being gone for 2 months with such a worthless creature? Have fun and be free. D bags like that aren't bf material, even if on occasion they might make a good lay....or not so good lay but still a convenient scratching post plus easy. :p

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He sounds extremely immature.


A true gentleman who is respectful doesn't break up with you and then sleep with you when the opportunity presents. He lays down boundaries he knows will ultimately be for the best, and does not open that can of worms. He also doesn't behave obnoxiously by ignoring you while he gets up in your friends' faces and brags about a hickey.


How old is this guy?

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He sounds extremely immature.


A true gentleman who is respectful doesn't break up with you and then sleep with you when the opportunity presents. He lays down boundaries he knows will ultimately be for the best, and does not open that can of worms. He also doesn't behave obnoxiously by ignoring you while he gets up in your friends' faces and brags about a hickey.


How old is this guy?


Yeah but then I also blame myself cause I didn’t say no to sleeping together, yno? I’m 19, he just turned 20 a couple days ago - I didn’t break NC to wish him a happy birthday! Do you think I’m ruining any chance of reconciliation by going away for two months? Or do you think if he really wanted me then he’d still want me when I get back? Thanks for the reply!

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Yeah but then I also blame myself cause I didn’t say no to sleeping together, yno? I’m 19, he just turned 20 a couple days ago - I didn’t break NC to wish him a happy birthday! Do you think I’m ruining any chance of reconciliation by going away for two months? Or do you think if he really wanted me then he’d still want me when I get back? Thanks for the reply!


Why on earth would you want to get back with a clown like this?


You need higher standards, girl. He's no catch, believe me.

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