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Practicing nexting


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I have a (mild) crush on a co worker (again?! The thought occurs to me I Need to prioritise meeting some people outside of work because conworkers are not ideal crush recipients).


He’ll chat to me but all signs point to not interested. The attraction is perceived overlapping values, makes me want to make a connection with him of at the very least friendly. I don’t think he feels he same, for friendship, definitely not for more.


I’m posting for a push to next this guy. already kinda coming to that in my head but historically I crush and become very invested in the object of my affections before ever getting any sign they reciprocate. And consistently they have not so much sad feels around that.


At the moment I still want to ask him if he’d like to stay in touch at the very end, I’d like to get my head around to a point where I don’t want to do that anymore. Tricks for nexting?

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Thank you for the nudges all.


And sportster what a radical concept (I’ve been reading a lot of baggage reclaim and she’s always taking about breaking harmful patterns so that’s the perfect way to frame it)

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Thank you for the nudges all.


And sportster what a radical concept (I’ve been reading a lot of baggage reclaim and she’s always taking about breaking harmful patterns so that’s the perfect way to frame it to get me to Hear it)

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Well I didn’t quite succeed in executing the radical idea, did try and add the guy on Facebook once the job was over.


Not accepted, confirmed not a long term friend person, was still interesting to meet, I shall take the lessons and get on with it. With one of those lessons for sure being that I need to focus a little more energy on dating

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