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Hello everyone, I am new to the forum. Hopefully I can get some advice on my situation:


There is this girl that I've known since College, we have tons of chemistry and it feels great whenever we're together.

But throughout our history she's been inconsistent, resulting in a "off-and-on" kind of relationship.

In the past, when I attempted to be there for her, she would come up with excuses to push me away.

So I'd go NC on her for years (pretty good at it now) when at some point she'd reach out to me again.

Recently, she called off her engagement with her ex and we've been hanging out more.



Is there anything that I should be warned about in a situation like this?

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I don't think she knows what she wants, and she certainly seems to avoid commitment. If you're hoping you two will get married, I wouldn't bet on it. She'll probably bug out on you at some point. Just enjoy what you have now but don't get too carried away.

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