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*Why* would a guy stall on telling me if he is interested or not?


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JaggerJim thank you for your input, but Was this really necessary? We were drunk....if we hadn't been, I would've waited. I think he would've too. If I'm desperate, well then damn, he must've been desperate too lol, since he initiated it. If alcohol (let alone whiskey) wasn't involved I would've had my wits to say 'no, not tonight'. Lets not get into double standards, ok? Boundaries *will* be in place if something continues with us, because, well, we won't be drinking...lol. There just aren't really many boundaries with drinking, as I've found out the hard way. He rarely drinks too, so he understands the situation we placed ourselves in yesterday will be rare, at best, if it ever even happens again.

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I agree that starting out day one with drunken sex isn't the ideal way to start a dating relationship if that's what you want. The tone has been set, so to speak. You can't start over with coffee or yogurt or dinner dates when you've already had sex. I mean, you CAN do those things, but it may be difficult to take sex off the table when you've already had it with him.


But maybe a sexual relationship is what you're after, in which case things went well.


I will tell you that I have one friend whose only goal in life is to get married and have babies. She keeps meeting men she likes and every single time, she goes to their place to have sex on the first date. Then she wonders why she's in her middle thirties and can't seem to find a man who wants to marry her!


Just try to make sure your actions match your relationship goals.

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He stalled and then had drunk sex with you...does not sound good at all. Please be careful and don't set yourself up with false hopes. He got sex out of you with no dates, that's not a good start. Had he been interested in you in a more serious kind of way, he would have at least took you out, made efforts, been somewhat romantic.

All he did was stall and get you into bed. I wouldn't hold out hopes for much more.

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