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Awkward roommate situation


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Wasn't sure what to put this under its a very strange situation. So I met this guy on a dating app.things went great we met we hung out. He is perfect. Well my lease was coming to a end and not having roommates I was trying to find a cheaper place to live in a better location. I was having no luck and ironically about the time I was giving up hope one of his roommates decided she was leaving to move in with her boyfriend. He offered me the room. It was too cheap to pass up buutttt I was worried about how awkward it could get of we were going to try dating since at this point we hasn't labeled it as such. Talking about it he said we wouldn't date if I moved in. Which really bummed me out but financially it was the right move so I said okay.

Skip forward a couple months and we still hang out, play video games together. But now I get depressed because I just keep liking him more and more. So just being friends is really hard. And at one point I did confront him about it and he said he didn't like me as anything than a friend. More depression. Yet he tends to give me a lot of mixed signals for someone who doesn't like me. And now I just want to lock myself in my room and avoid him that or yell at him. I don't know what to do, I'm so emotionally confused right now.

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He offered me the room. It was too cheap to pass up buutttt I was worried about how awkward it could get of we were going to try dating since at this point we hasn't labeled it as such.


Very awkward. Not only that, but it appears that you barely know each other. Hopefully you haven't signed anything as of yet?

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No. No contract or anything but I would have to save money a few months I. Order to move out. And we didn't know each other well but around here everyone has a roommate because the cost of living is so high, so moving in with someone you don't know well isn't really out of the ordinary.

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  • 1 month later...

It sounds like he likes you as a friend but doesn't want to date for practical reasons. It's best to date outside of your household.

I met this guy on a dating app.things went great we met we hung out. He offered me the room. he said we wouldn't date if I moved in. I did confront him about it and he said he didn't like me as anything than a friend.
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Talking about it he said we wouldn't date if I moved in.

he said he didn't like me as anything than a friend.


Whatever it is you think you can get going with him? It's not going to happen.


So, your choices are: cheap rent/platonic interaction or another living situation where he may or may not have more interest in dating you...

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