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Hi, I’ve been dating this guy for four months and about a week ago hw stopped responding to my texts. Finally, two days ago he responded that he’s been busy and don’t want to waste my time. He was the one who pursued me and we hit it off. He just recently started his own business, and his hours are crazy. We.ve been intimate for about one month and during that time we’ve talked about the future, kids etc. I spend time at his place and help out with some office work. We’ve never officially had “the talk” but last week when I started to bring it up he cut the conversation. What hurts the most is his response that we texted, talked, hang out and had sex but that’s it. Now I’m sad and confused.

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He pursued, you let him catch you, you dated, which is to find out if you're going to work out as a couple, and he didn't think the two of you had enough in common to keep going. He became too busy as well which caused him yet another reason to discontinue the relationship. It happens and its disappointing but don't let it knock down your confidence or self-worth. Put yourself back out there.


If this guy comes back in a month or whatever don't get sexual with him until he can actually commit to you.

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Same thing happened to me. I got reacquainted with my 3rd grade boyfriend (cute, huh?) who I grew up with. We lost touch after hs but now 29 years after graduation, we reconnected on social media, went out and quickly got into a relationship. He pursued me. Hard. He talked about going on trips together, blending our family of 5 grown kids, moving in together and then out of the blue, the week of Thanksgiving, he started backing off. The reasons he gave was that he needed to concentrate more on his job and helping his GROWN kids get settled in life. I don't believe that excuse. But I don't know what happened and I'm apparently never going to get the answers I deserve because he just stopped communicating. I am trying to get over it and I am functioning. But inside I'm still completely devastated. I cry a lot. I wonder how he doesn't miss me, what changed his heart all of a sudden. I wonder if maybe after some time apart, things will work out (I'll be going into it very cautiously of course) or if I should abandon all hope and realize that he wasn't what he presented himself to be. I find that hard to believe because he was always a great guy and everybody said so. I pray for him constantly and not just that we will get back together but that he is safe and gets things figured out in his life. It's only been a month but my mom and close friends are pushing me to "get over it". I think Im doing remarkably well considering. I haven't stopped living. But I can't help what I feel.


I'm sorry I have no advice for you, sweetee. But I know what you're going through! We just have to keep going until the pain starts to dull. And leave everything else up to God, fate or whatever you believe.

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He told you want you wanted to hear and now he has moved on. It simply didn't work out and you must throw away all talks about the future because it doesn't matter anymore. If he wanted to be with you, he would do whatever it took. Let him go. Three are other men out there

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He pursued, you let him catch you, you dated, which is to find out if you're going to work out as a couple, and he didn't think the two of you had enough in common to keep going. He became too busy as well which caused him yet another reason to discontinue the relationship. It happens and its disappointing but don't let it knock down your confidence or self-worth. Put yourself back out there.


If this guy comes back in a month or whatever don't get sexual with him until he can actually commit to you.



This is the perfect answer.

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