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male expressions of attraction

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If a guy grabs your hand and softly strokes it, does that mean that he is attracted to you? What if he just acts normal, purely platonic, and does not do that again for like five weeks after that? What if he always seems distracted when you are around...likes hes off in la la land or something. If a guy gets mad at you, does that mean that he doesn't like you that way? IF a guy likes you, will he try and talk to you, or talk to everyone else except you?


Basically what are the indicators that a guy likes you and that he doesn't?

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Signs of attraction are going to vary from guy to guy but what you need to look out for are positive body language. This will show you that he is interested, but remember that nothing is full proof, since guys behave differently. I would research body language, then you will have a better idea of what to look for.

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The indicators can vary with guys(and with basically anybody)

I think if a guy grabs your hand and strokes it and if he acts all distracted

and confused yes I think that possibly that he could be attracted to you.Thoes are good signals.The reason he may act platonic after that is maybe because he is not sure of your feelings and does not want to push it.

If he got mad,well eveybody gets mad right? maybe he was just having a bad day(I dont know the circumstances).

If he likes you yes maybe he might talk to everbody but you, but you should not take this thewrong way maybe he is shy and you make him nervious.

He could also stare at you.try and talk to you.Smiles at you allot.

Is at the same places at the same time you are.


I am not sure of any more.

maybe someone else has more..

Hope I helped a little.

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Question??? Can a guy be into you but never touches you unless it's an accident? When it does happen for example..his leg brushes against yours or touches yours...he doesn't move his leg and you vice versa does that mean he likes you but is scared to make a bold move?


My friend (my boo) has me more confused than the problems in a math book and I hate and never passed math, so that's sayng alot. He never touches me intentionally and I'm 85% sure that he is interested in me.


He called and left a message for me the other day telling me that he actually told his parents to watch a popular talk show that we both attended. I'm on the show and asked several questions on the show and interviewed one of the stars of the show. So I am featured for like 15 on-air. He actually mentioned me to his rents and friends.


I guess I just wanted to know why he told his parents about the show. Knowing that I was going to be seen. Maybe he wanted them to see me. They actually taped it and watched it as a family. He intends to show the tape to all of his friends.


How are things Brillant?

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Caterina- Well if he spends a lot of time with you, and he's nervous. Well I think the most obvious is like always looking at you. He's going to enjoy touching you, most likely the arm because anywhere higher or lower your going to give the groper a slap lol. If some guy you don't even know brings up something he's seen you do or you've both done in some activity or something and he hasn't ever talked to you before or met you at this certain thing, he likes you, period. Now I don't really know about the stroking the hand thing. He was probably just wanting to feel you, probably feel how your skin feels lol. Don't worry about it I'm pretty sure he likes you. Has he ever said how hot you are, beautiful, anything of that sort? If so, obviously he likes you (although if he's friends he wouldn't have stroked your hand and then not have done it in 5 months he wouldn't have done it at all lol). Oh yeah, if he likes you and hasn't made a move yet, he's too shy to do it so why don't you just set him aside the pressure and you ask him out?



mshollywod- I'd say that he does like you if he made everyone watch you and stuff on TV. Guys like to show what they reeled in, lol it's some "I'm more superior than the rest of you" type of thing. Yeah, most likely he does like you, why don't you ever ask him out? Guys will be scared to make bold moves, it takes us a lot of time (for shy guys) to find it within ourselves, to get some balls lol. After all, once it's over with it isn't all that bad and you have a lot of new confidence and respect for yourself.

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What the hell...haha that kind of didn't make sense to me lol. Well at my age, asking someone out at my age really means "Will you be my gf?" really lol. obviously no ones going to say it except for the guys that don't know how get a date lol. Well I don't know...it's kind of a stumping thought. I really don't know if you've gone out several times, nothing specifically good happened like cuddling watching a movie or something at your place or anything like that then I don't think he's interested. .

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I'm like at 50-50 with it. He calls me, emails me and sends texts. He does everything a guy courting a girl should do except making it offical. Lately, he's been kinda flirting with me. My friends have met him and vice versa and my friends say that he's scared to make the first move cause I haven't indicated any interest..so now I want to make subtle suggestions to him.


AWhat the hell...haha that kind of didn't make sense to me lol. Well at my age, asking someone out at my age really means "Will you be my gf?" really lol. obviously no ones going to say it except for the guys that don't know how get a date lol.


Apparently, I was told that men don't say, "Will you be my girlfriend anymore". Go figure!

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Question??? Can a guy be into you but never touches you unless it's an accident? When it does happen for example..his leg brushes against yours or touches yours...he doesn't move his leg and you vice versa does that mean he likes you but is scared to make a bold move?


Yes, for me personally i'm too afraid to make a move since i never really think a girl is attracted to me, i really don't know what constitutes (sp?) as a move...lol but anyway, i'd say shy guys are afraid to make moves, and they can be interested and not make a move cuz they don't know what to do

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If you think a guy likes you then he probley does. Go with your first feeling. Listen to your first instict and Act on it.


It's a flirty gesture, thats all i can say. To tell u the truth I don't think us girls are supose to really know.


If you really want to get to the bottom of this situation flirt back. Thats all you need to do. Do some friendly flirting. Find a way to touch him.

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My crush at work keeps doing this thing where he decides he wants to see what's on my computer screen or what I'm reading, so he stands sort of behind and sort of to the side of me, and puts his left arm on the back of my chair and his right arm on the arm of the chair and leans forward. Close enough that I can smell him, mmmm.... It's almost like a phantom hug.


Ok, enough with the swooning! Any time a guy breaks the private space barrier, I think that's a really good sign. This guy definitely sounds like he's into you. Good luck!!! Keep us posted.

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My crush at work keeps doing this thing where he decides he wants to see what's on my computer screen or what I'm reading, so he stands sort of behind and sort of to the side of me, and puts his left arm on the back of my chair and his right arm on the arm of the chair and leans forward. Close enough that I can smell him, mmmm.... It's almost like a phantom hug


I love this #$@!...this sounds like what my crush would do...he is always asking me what is in my purse or what pictures I have on my digital camera. This is so cute..guys just don't know we girls love this stuff...no matter how old you are. If it's done right it totally tickles us..and go ahead and swoon, I'm swooning right with you!


God, I remember the time I actually got to take a whiff of my crush huh...


Any time a guy breaks the private space barrier, I think that's a really good sign.


This is common sense but yet I forget about it all the time. I think I'm going to carefully craft my words and have a little heart to heart with him. I just hope I don't ruin an 8 month friendship with him. I don't want him to be uncomfortable around me if he just doesn't feel the same.

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Yes, for me personally I'm too afraid to make a move since I never really think a girl is attracted to me, I really don't know what constitutes (sp?) as a move...lol


Never feel like you are not attractive or capable of obtaining attraction. You are human and are capable of emotions and feelings. No matter what you look like, what size you are, color, race or creed there is someone out there for you. Just remember the golden rule, "Treat others they way you want to be treated." Also just love yourself. Now repeat this 10 times a day, cause let me tell you I have to remind myself of that all the time. Lord knows somedays I wake up wondering if I'm the exception in love since everything has an exception. Plus, because I've never had a real boyfriend. I will feel like that sometimes but I have to remind myself not to take that trip and be patient...Why? Cause I truly believe in the saying..."Best things come to those who wait."



So the million dollar question is what should you shy guys do???


All I can suggest is getting to know the girl while occasionally flirting with her and have a good time together. Trust me sooner or later she will like you if you do it right and then you will know if she likes you or not and you can make your move. As a matter of fact, I've always been the type of girl who instantaneously liked a guy the minute I saw him with the exception of my crush.


Though I've always considered him the nicest guy at my job as well as being a cutie I've never had any interest in him. So what happened??? He started talking to me on a regular basis, engaging me in conversation, hanging out at/outside of work...soon we were hanging out on a regular basis. Then one day literally out of the blue I had to ask myself, "you have so much fun with this guy, he's sweet and he makes you laugh how come you don't have any interest in him....and that's when I knew I liked him. Forward to the present...now I'm confused


but anyway, i'd say shy guys are afraid to make moves, and they can be interested and not make a move cuz they don't know what to do


You know before I joined this post after reading,"He's just not that into you." I was starting to believe that there was no such thing as a guy being too shy to ask out the girl whom he is interested in out. Because according to the book men will do and go after what they want which I believe is 99.9% true. But I must say after joining this forum, I've come to the realization that although that was an excellent book it really should just be used as a guideline cause there are truly many exceptions to the rule. About 65% of the men on these posts are shy and have know their crushes for a long amount of time and are too scared to make a move.



I hope my ramblings helped somebody...

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My opinion is that when a guy likes you,especially a shy guy he might actually avoid looking at you or talking because he doesnt want to come accross as a freak if he is caught out looking at you,(i know this from my own current experiences) Then Subsequently they feel a little bad because their not looking at you and you might think he`s not interested anymore even though your driving him crazy and really wants to look at you and talk to you. Its a vicious and frustrating cycle for us shy guys.Its like we are always trying to be tactfull and not stuff it up,and then we get told we are too nice. Thats when the treat em mean keep em keen guys come in to take the spoils! He Likes You i think

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Who likes whom Aussierocker? I am a female and I must say I don't get girls who bend over backwards for jerks and treat nice guys like garbage. Me personally, the nicer you are the more I like you. My crush is literally the nicest guy I've ever met ever and that is saying alot cause I used to be a former male basher before meeting him. He's helped me realized that they are actually nice guys out there.


In addition to being nice he also is a lot of fun. From what I gather from my girlfriends the reason why a lot of "nice guys" fall prey to being labeled "he's only just a friend" category is the fact that the girls feel that the "nice guys" aren't very fun. You nice guys have to put yourself out there and while still mantaining your sweet aura about yourself let these girls know you are adventureous and willing to try new things.


My crush, I must admit in the beginning didn't think he was a fun person since he was kind of aloof...but when I started hanging out with him and talking I realized, "Oh, my God we have the same interests and he is actually a risk taker and knows how to have fun, so my interest level in him shot through the roof. To this day many of my former co-workers think he's a sweet cutie but a boring person and you can bet your bottom dollar that I'm going to allow them to continue to think that because he is an untapped golden resource that I want to keep for myself.. the diamond in the rough.


Although my sweetie is shy he gives me excellent body language such as great eye contact and turns his body in my direction when I speak to him and etc. For all you shy guys or anyone, pm me if you are interested in this link I have on the art of flirting...don't think I'm not going to use it myself..Let me know what you think.

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Now that i've just finished reading mshollywod's post I just can't stop laughing.. its all so true.. i'm in the exact same position as her at the moment.


To this day many of my former co-workers think he's a sweet cutie but a boring person and you can bet your bottom dollar that I'm going to allow them to continue to think that because he is an untapped golden resource that I want to keep for myself... the diamond in the rough.

Its so horrible! I should be out there correcting people's opinions, letting them know what a great, fun guy he is.. but I want him to stay all mine. XDDDD.

Anyway, back to the actual topic.. yeah, her post is great lol. Read and memorise it ;D.

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hola sweetie


i read your post and i just thought, OMG She completely nailed how complicated guys are! it's so hard to read their signals and figure out whether they do like you beyond a platonic friendship! ive been having this problem since the start of this year and it really screws with my head cos i never know how i should act cos being myself might be too strong an approach and lead him on (if i dont feel that way for him) OR, if i do flirt back in a way that is past friendship-flirting, than everything might come crashing to my feet if im reading his signals completely wrong!


its like being stuck between a rock and a hard place haha! u know how guys say that women are really complicated and they can never figure us out? welps, i think alot of women can say the same for guys, dont ya think girls? if only there was some kind of handbook that we could all have that clues us in on reading each other's signals hahaha


i wish! but then again, that takes away the spontaneity and i suppose mystery/intrigue in life eh? hahah


girl i completely hear ya on what u're goin through, BEST OF LUCK!



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Aww, thanks. I definetly know what you mean about the mystery. Its what keeps you going. Hoping this feeling will last, but at this point I am sick of playing games. He said something to me about how he "avoids those he loves the most..." I don't think I quite buy into that b/c he asked my friend out and it wasn't hard for him to avoid that at all! He probably just likes being the one to pursue and honestly may not be interested that way... but is (was, b/c I am not doing that anymore) leading me on.

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mshollywod, you've completely nailed how a shy guy will act. We don't put our selves out there for just anybody and that can come off as boring. But when you really get to know us you'll be surprised at the fun we can have. We're just not loud and in your face about it. I've always said that it's the quiet ones that have the most fun and you have to watch out for. Then when it comes to girls we like we become even more shy, afraid to let her know. We seem complicated, but we are really simple when it comes down to it.


Diamond in the rough? Wish more people would see that.

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Thanks for the props everybody...I can only speak from what I have recently witnessed. I could probably have better insight if I actually had a real life relationship to feed off from. Maybe I'm wrong too for not letting people know that my crush is nice but that would only take me out of the running.


I have enough problems to contend with as it is. But like I said I have a couple of websites for you guys to check out. I don't know if we are supposed to do this but here is one..


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