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Everything posted by Aussierocker

  1. Thanks for that advice especially Monique, i`ll take it on board.I have had 5 girlfriends so far but none for more than 10 months and ive been single and dateless for 2 and a half years now.But just today i organised to maybe catch up with a girl from work on Sat nite she mite come to watch my band play so you never know!
  2. I`m just wondering is it normal to think about meeting someone special everyday,i must think about it 90 percent of my day and as each day goes by it becomes more disheartening.And can woman sense what you are feeling and stay away because they think you are desperate even tho i`m not but these thoughts still consume me and become envious of others i know who have someone and wonder what i`m doing wrong and each day all these feelings just magnify! Am i normal?
  3. I think alot can be said in a smile ,the girl that is in my head continues to smile and look at me and im dead sure its not a just being friendly smile but she already has a bf so im just gonna play the game with her,although i am going to ask her if she wants to go to the footy soon and ill ask her friend as well so she wont think i have a hidden agenda although she isnt dumb!
  4. Just to update you i caught up with the girl from work and i asked her how she is settling into her new house? and she said ok but all her family are away and her uncle is looking after her dogs and that she might have to get them because she is home alone. I thought to myself where is your boyfriend? Surely she knows i`m atracted to her by now and a way to cool that would be to mention her bf, right? And anyway you would think that her bf would be staying with her , so i dont know what to make of this When she 1st came up and walked past my workbench i detected a little aprehension and slight shyness as she was walking up and then her face lightened up with a smile , its frustrating so i`m gonna forget about it and if she comes up to me i`ll play it as it comes and act like it doesnt matter (even though it s burning me up) What do you think?
  5. My opinion is that when a guy likes you,especially a shy guy he might actually avoid looking at you or talking because he doesnt want to come accross as a freak if he is caught out looking at you,(i know this from my own current experiences) Then Subsequently they feel a little bad because their not looking at you and you might think he`s not interested anymore even though your driving him crazy and really wants to look at you and talk to you. Its a vicious and frustrating cycle for us shy guys.Its like we are always trying to be tactfull and not stuff it up,and then we get told we are too nice. Thats when the treat em mean keep em keen guys come in to take the spoils! He Likes You i think
  6. Thanks for the advice i next see her on Friday so ill initiate some contact if possible and go from there, i dont want to make a fool of myself if there is nothing there,i might just start off with"so how is your footy tipping going" or "How are you settling in to your new house" Ive been out for a meal and drink with her and her friend who also works at the same factory full time. Her friend thinks that her bf is a bit of an idiot. This girl doesnt know my age as im 10 years older but i dont look it (im not boasting)! I wonder what she thinks,i wont say anything unless asked. I detect that she is a bit like me ,shy but once comfortable seems to loosen up. My problem is i worry too much what others think.
  7. I have a problem with a girl from work.I`m not sure if she likes me or is just being friendly.We always smile at each other and make eyes but i know she has a boyfriend.When i`m working my machine 30 meters away she sometime walks past to go to the storeroom and on her way back i`m looking at my machine with my back towards her and she comes up with a question from knowwhere about a subject we have spoken about the week before, this happens quite often like she has walked past and thought 'What can i say to him to start a conversation'.She only works 2 half days a week so the window of opportunity to talk to her is very small.I really like her a lot but im not sure if my thought s are being clouded because she is taking up all my headspace. Now im trying not to look over towards her in case she catches me out and feels uncomfortable even though ive caught her out.I`m not sure what to feel can anyone help? Can any girls out tell how much is in a smile etc
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