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im dating a guy right now and he's 4 years older than i am.He is 18. Anyway i am having problems deciding wether i like him as more of a friend or a boyfriend. We have been going out for about a week now and we act more like friends than bf and gf. We were friends for a really long time before we started dating and then one day he just asked me to be his gf. I was shocked at first that he asked that because i knew that he liked me but i didn't know if i liked him b/c i didn't really ever think of us as more than friends. so I went home and i thought about it and the next day i told him yes. I guess i just decided that we both cared a lot about eachother and he was all i could ask for but i don't know if i should have kept him as just a friend or did i make the right decision. Our relationship is going well but we act more like friends we don't even kiss like passionate or anything and when i think about doing stuff with him it feels weird. someone plz help me to figure out what my feelings are for this guy. I really love him and love being with him.

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Hey - I think if you have to think and figure out how you feel about him, you probably like him as only a friend.


I understand the confusion - you two seem to have a lot in common, he's nice, and would make a great bf. But, not for you. I think when you like someone, it doesn't require a lot of thinking, you know? You just know you like them in a romantic way. even if he's a great guy, don't force yourself to like him in that way.


Perhaps you may consider telling him that you two should go back to being just friends? Take care!

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Let me get this straight...you are 14 and he is 18. At 14 years old there are a million questions going around in your head about right now. The most important thing you need to be concerned about is YOU. Finding out who YOU are and developing everything..your mind, body and spirit. When you have doubts about anything, don't do it! Doubt can be a good way of telling us to question a situation that we are really uncomfortable with for some reason. You dont have to know all of the reasons at the time, just back away from the whole relationship and watch how things come into play. You will find your answer a lot easier that way instead of trying to figure out someone else's intentions. I am not telling you to be a mean person and not care about someone else's feelings but us girls are usually too quick to concern ourselves with hurting someone else at the cost of not being true to US ! Always go with your gut instincts and trust yourself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Er, ... is'nt that also illegal and just wrong?! In the UK, a male is considered adult, according to the law, at the age of 18. At 14 you're still technically a minor, a child, no matter how grown up and mature you may be.

Is it 21 in other countries, the US or wherever?

Its such a shame how girls are pressurized by the media and magazines, and even cartoons, to grow up and date and look this way or wear these clothes at an earlier and earlier age.

Just chill, enjoy your fast disappearing youth. Theres LOADS of time to be worrying about deep, meaningful problems in your many relationships you're sure to enjoy...believe me, im only 27. Thats 13 years older than you, and i have'nt even begun to figure it out. In fact, im probably finding more questions than answers!

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