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His ex girlfriend asked for him to come back but before she didnt want them getting back and said maybe in the future. I was with him for 3 months and got on great together and he used always organise to meet me and call me babe and left his friends to come out for my birthday with the girls. After all that he rang me and told me he had picked me but needed to give her 1 more chance as they had history together but if she hadnt done that he would still be with me and he said i was better looking than her and he wanted us to stay in contacted by email or to by phone. I wished him the best of luck and he said you dont mean that and i replied what else do you want me to say. I need to know why he said all this and what should i do?

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Could he be trying to get you to fight for him? Some guys can get a bit carried away and he might like the idea of you both wanting him. If you really want to be with him then tell him and see what he says, you risk feeling awful if he says no but it's best to know where you stand. If he really wants to be with her then you do your best to get over him and find someone else in time. Good luck

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Sounds like he's treating you like "plan B" like, if his ex doesn't work out, then he's always got you to fall back on. I wouldn't stand for that, ex's are ex's for a reason in his case, he's not realizing this. I don't know, it's up to you, but I'd tell him that I am not his fallback girl. You deserve sooo much better than that. Chances are, his ex is doing this to piss off/impress some outside source (another dude). Just watch and see if it doesn't happen.


Maybe he does want you to fight over him, he seemed surpirsed when you said "good luck!"

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After all that he rang me and told me he had picked me but needed to give her 1 more chance as they had history together but if she hadnt done that he would still be with me


I don't understand what this means. Why did he say he "picked you" if he was going to go back to her. "Because we have history" is a LAME reason to go back to someone over someone else. In fact, it's nonsense...he wants to be with her because he feels a certain way about her, not because they have a history together. By using the "history" excuse he's making it seem like he didn't really have a choice or that it was inevitable that he give her another try. I'm sorry to have to say this but I think that he never got over her and kept hope alive that he would get her back and when she came back, he took her back. The only thing you can do in this situation is stop talking to him and move on. Judging by his actions, he doesn't sound like someone that you would want around in the long run, he's not loyal to you and he is not over this other girl.

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First of all, NEVER let someone think you're their second best...and don't be. He shouldn't have dated you if he wasn't done with her, but now he's basically saying to you, "wait here, if I'm not back soon leave. I might be back, but wait here just in case."


You've got to have higher self esteem than to wait for someone like that. Any human is worthy of more, so don't wait for anyone. By waiting for him, he'll place almost no value on his relations with you and thus will take you for granted (which he's already doing). I say walk away from him (you could always date him later down the road), but by no means should you wait for him to see how he feels about you.

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Thanks for yer replies, the only thing is she didnt want to get back with him before and she told him she is going travelling in a year and someone told me she was jealous of us together and just wanted him to be single. This might sound stupid but a fortune teller told me she promised him this and that which made him deside to give her another chance but she will not be able to comitt to him and they will fight and that he still misses me and that he will give another chance for me. He wont regret giving it another go with her because he needed to get this out of his system and that he was a good guy but mixed up and that we will get to know each other better as we were only together 3 months and i should be more myself around him as i was hurt before and held back abit. So i dont know if i should trust what she says?

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